chapter 4

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*Nadia's pov*

"I look ridiculous" i harshly muttered as i stared at myself in the mirror, i looked so stupid "you look cute" Natasha said laughing at my antics.

The horrific outfit she had chose for me was a pastel shade of pink but it wasn't the colour that was the problem, it was the dress or more specifically the skirt; it had a lot of ruffles and when i say a lot i mean a lot.

The top of the dress was significantly better at least, it had a few small bows placed around it like on each arm hole but otherwise it was okay compared to the skirt.

One positive thing i could think of for the outfit was that that it was breezy for summer at least? that was really the only advantage i could come up with.

I could still have that with a simple dress though so.

Paired with the outfit was a simple white headband that had a bow placed on the right side which wasn't too bad i suppose, i had pigtails in my hair done by Natasha.

"Is this why you put me in therapy? to prepare me for the trauma this outfit is going to cause?" i said to her bitterly as i crossed my arms and she laughed at me "stop laughing" i told her, "stop being so dramatic then you look adorable" she replied still laughing.

Groaning at her i looked at the floor and starting playing with the thrills of the thrilly ankle socks she had put on me with a pair of mary janes.

The shoes i didn't mind, honestly i would've worn something similar if it was more heeled back in my...old life, it still felt weird calling it my old life and it felt weird even reminding myself of it because it wasn't a subject i liked to think about.

"Doesn't she look cute Wanda?" Natasha questioned when Wanda had walked past the bathroom where i was currently sat on the counter in, Wanda finished putting her earring in and walked closer "you look so adorable Nadia" Wanda said readjusting the headband.

I crossed my arms "why do i even need to 'dress up'?" i asked still annoyed "its a welcome party and for parties you get dressed up" Wanda replied.

"Speaking of parties its somebodies birthday soon" Natasha said making me quickly shut her down "can't i at least take the headband off?" i whined looking at her with pleading eyes "no it goes with the outfit" she replied "this outfit is my thirteenth rea-" i began.

My sentence was quickly cut off by a pacifer being placed in my mouth.

"Another thing that matches the outfit" Natasha said whilst Wanda looked at me slightly concerned, suddenly feeling needy i reached my arms out to Wanda who picked me up.

"See what you've done to the poor thing Nat?" Wanda joked as i wrapped my arms around her neck and hid my face into her shoulder which was something i did frequently.

Natasha didn't say anything in response probably meaning she shook her head at us.

"We have to leave now or else we'll be late" she said making sure her hair was okay before leaving the bathroom with Wanda following behind her with me still in her arms


*third person pov*

The girl had a look of misery on her face as the car was parked and she took the pacifier out of her mouth, when Natasha opened her car door Nadia whined "I don't wanna go in" she complained.

"Everyone is going to laugh at me" Nadia voiced her concerns.

"Nobody is going to laugh at you sweetie" Natasha told her, she thought the girl was being dramatic about the whole thing; "and how do you know?" Nadia asked unimpressed.

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