chapter 15

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*Nadia's pov*

I crossed my arms stubbornly as I sat in the corner still sobbing "it's not fair!" I cried before returning with my silence, knowing Natasha's current fragile anger it was best to not push her buttons too much.

Still nonetheless my point still stands and it's not fair.

I glared at the wall in front of me when my tears began to stop, why do I have to be good for nothing? Penelope gets bribed for good behaviour yet I'm just expected to do it.

A pang of jealously arose in my chest thinking of Penelope, of course I love Natasha and Wanda now but would things have gone differently if I had even the slightest amount of courage she has would it have turned out different?

Would I still be in this position of where I am now, acting like a bratty little girl?

"Nadia?" Wanda suddenly questioned breaking me out of my thoughts, I quickly shook my head to try shake the horrible thoughts away.

Without realising it my time in timeout was already over and Wanda was knelt down beside me "what's wrong?" she asked concerned at my head shaking "n-nothing" I accidentally stuttered still slightly choked up with panic, she wouldn't like to hear about the thoughts.

Or would she?

She stood up from her position on the floor and then picked me up upon turning around I noticed the lack of Yelena, a small frown entered my face.

Wanda took me over to the couch and sat down, she began stroking my hair as I sat beside her probably to make me feel comfortable "why did you act up?" She asked gently.

I began to shrug however I stopped midway knowing there was no point of even lying to her "just wanted to spend more time with Yelena..she's cool" I mumbled feeling slightly embarrassed at admitting she was cool but it was the complete truth.

The woman nodded at me "well don't worry you can spend as much time with Yelena as you'd like besides when it's time to do things your mommy and mama tell you to do like have a bath or go to bed" she told me and I nodded my head hesitantly "I'm sorry" I said "apology accepted" she smiled at me before kissing my forehead.

A few minutes after Natasha came through the doorway with a bottle in her hand "the baths probably cold so why don't we just go to bed early tonight hm?" She suggested.

Knowing that it wasn't a suggestion and more of a statement I nodded.

She mirrored Wanda's smile and sat beside us on the couch, she handed me the warm bottle which I held in my hands as I looked down at it.

We sat in silence for a couple of minutes as they waited for me to begin drinking the bottle "do you want me or mama to-" Natasha started "I've been having bad thoughts" I admitted cutting her off and catching them both by surprise.

Natasha looked at me confused and Wanda momentarily stopped stroking my hair for a slight second before continuing doing it.

"Bad thoughts?" Natasha questioned making me nod "bad thoughts inside my mind, I hate them" I said truthfully "that doesn't sound very fun" Wanda gently said.

I nodded my head at that "it's not fun at all" I muttered curling into her warm touch "what are these thoughts hm?" she tried to ask but I was done with this conversation now, all the bad thoughts had gone away and I didn't want to think about them.

So instead of answering I started drinking the bottle of milk.

Accepting that I didn't want to discuss it any longer Natasha wrapped an arm around my shoulder whilst Wanda stroked my hair.

I enjoyed their warmth.

I enjoyed them.

No silly thoughts was going to change that I thought as the warm milk slid down my throat, no silly thoughts were going to change anything I repeated to myself.

No silly thoughts could change anything...


*third person pov*

It hadn't taken long for the effects of the milk to send the girl off into slumber and now it was morning time which could be easily indicated by the sun shining through the curtains.

Right now Natasha,Wanda and Nadia were eating their breakfast or well Natasha was feeding Nadia, she had been awake earlier like she had been most days in the past week which was good for some things but mostly resulted in her being exhausted.

Not that she would tell Wanda about it, she didn't want her to worry.

Natasha brought the spoon of yoghurt up to Nadia's mouth which she accepted "Nadia today me and mama have to go to work" Natasha informed her.

In response she nodded because normally she would get to go to work with them so she held no protests until the contrary happened "but you can't come" she then added.

The girl quickly swallowed the mouthful of yoghurt "why not" Nadia whined looking between Natasha and Wanda "because it isn't appropriate for little girls but we'll be back before you know it okay sweetie?" Wanda rhetorically asked the girl, she thought for a second and nodded.

Nadia understood that they had responsibilities and had to work.

Her nod made both the women smile "you'll be going to hangout with auntie Pepper and Peter, it's going to be so fun" Wanda said with a tad bit of over enthusiasm.

This is what the girl protest, she turned her head from the spoon Natasha held to her lips "I don't want to go there" she groaned

"Well you don't have a choice" Natasha responded "Sam?" Nadia questioned "he's also doing work" Wanda said "Oliver?" "Penelope has a doctors appointment" "Yelena?" She asked as a last hope.

"We can't just impose that on her" Natasha told her and ironically Yelena walked into the dining room at that second "I don't mind doing whatever it is" she said receiving a glare off Natasha "why don't you want to hangout with Pepper?" Natasha questioned changing the subject "it's not hanging out it's babysitting" Nadia pointed out.

"Either way you're going to have fun" Wanda told her as she stood up, she picked up her plate and walked over to the girl "now be a good girl and eat your breakfast" Wanda continued as she momentarily bent down to tap the girls nose.

She slightly chuckled at the girls pouting face as she walked into the kitchen.

Natasha then resumed feeding the girl or at least tried to "you heard what mama said" Natasha said and Nadia internally sighed as she opened her mouth allowing the food to enter her mouth.


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