Chapter 3

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*third person*

Nightfall had come and now Nadia was sat on Natasha's lap ready to continue with her nighttime routine which included a bottle which Wanda was just going to get.

As soon as Wanda left the room Natasha stopped stroking Nadia's hair making the girl look up at the woman "huh?" she asked not even realising she was pouting slightly at the lack of touch.

"So how do you feel about Penelope?" Natasha questioned and the girl gave her a confused look as if to say 'I already told you' "I know you told mama but I want you to tell me and you can be brutally honest" Natasha told her.

Having an invitation to be truthful the brunette accepted it "I like her and she's a bit rough around the edges but she seems sweet" she truthfully said and Nat nodded.

"Yeah I'm sorry, I know she has a bit of an uhm-" the woman started "sailors mouth?" Nadia questioned smiling slightly "I was going to say potty mouth but that works too" Natasha and Nadia both chuckled.

"Right now she'll be a bit temperamental and fussy but that's just like how you were at first" Natasha explained "I wasn't that bad was I?" Nadia asked embarrassed.

Natasha smirked at her slightly.

"Remember at the doctors office when you threatened all of us with a pair of scissors?" Natasha teased laughing after saying the last part, the girl whined and hid her face into Natasha's shoulder "look at you now though you're the sweetest little girl ever" she said lifting the girls head and kissing the top of it.

This made the girl whine further and blush hiding her face with her hands, Wanda appeared at the doorway a few seconds later "stop teasing her Nat" she jokingly told the woman and walked over to them with a bottle in her hand.

She messed up the girls hair slightly "aww is she being mean to you, don't worry mama is here to protect you" she whispered in the girls ear.

The red hair rolled her eyes at them as the smile on face remained "okay no more joking around, it's somebodies bedtime" Natasha said.


*Nadia's pov*

The more I thought about Penelope the more I was intrigued by her, don't get me wrong I enjoyed my life and I loved both of the women but it felt exciting to have this new friend especially one like Penelope.

Penelope was very short tempered,quick witted and most of all angry.

"What're you thinking about there Nadia?" Wanda questioned realising I had zoned out whilst watching the movie "when can I see Penelope again?" I questioned back and this made Wanda smile "you want to see her again?" she asked smiling.

I nodded my head "she gets a bit mad but she seems nice and she just needs to figure out that her daddy loves her then she'll be a good girl" I told her.

Wanda smiled further at my words "exactly sweetie, her daddy loves her just like me and mommy love you" she replied and I nodded again "not as much as you and mommy love me though" I said cuddling more against Wanda.

"Not as much" she confirmed "I love you mama" I mumbled "I love you too Nadia the most in the whole wide world" Wanda responded "what about the galaxy?" I jokingly inquired "I love you the most in the whole galaxy" she changed her words.

"That good?" She teased "thats good" i repeated and she patted my back laughing "now I think somebody needs a change" Wanda said.

Blushing I whined at the words, it never got any less humiliating each time.


*third person pov*

The rest of their day went by smoothly for the trio, for majority of the day Natasha and Wanda had worked on their laptops whilst Nadia played for the day.

At one point Natasha left for training but other than that they stayed inside all day.

After dinner a thought popped into Nadia's head "mommy can we play boardgames tonight instead of watching a movie?" She asked whilst Natasha cleaned up her face and immediately a smirk was brought into Natasha's.

"Of course but just know you're gonna lose" she said "she gets really competitive just a warning sweetie" Wanda said as she cleared up the plates from dinner.

This just made Nadia smile "I'm gonna beat you" she said confidently "wanna make a deal then?" Natasha offered making the girl nod in return.

"If I win then I get to dress you in whatever I want tomorrow when we go to meet Peter" she said, the girl had been informed of how they would be going to meet her new 'cousin' tomorrow and she was partially excited to meet him.

"What about if I win?" Nadia questioned crossing her arms and Natasha thought for a second "you can eat as much candy as you want tomorrow deal?" She said reaching out her hand and the girl shook it also nodding.

Nadia figured the deal wasn't that bad on her end, if she lost she would get a bruised ego and would have to wear a pink dress or something, which wasn't too bad.

However if Natasha lost then she would have to deal with the girl on a sugar rush for hours which sounded like a much worser deal in the girls eyes, she smiled to herself feeling slightly proud; she was going to win or at least that's what she told herself.

So once everything was cleaned up Nadia was taken to the living room and sat besides the coffee table with Natasha and Wanda joining her.

They'd gotten a couple boardgames and card games out to play.

"Since you're gonna lose I'll let you choose the first one" Natasha said smirking, Nadia playfully glared at her but pointed at the monopoly game box- she had always been great at monopoly.

Wanda set the game up whilst Natasha and Nadia bickered about who was gonna win.

Safe to say both were highly competitive "dibs being the dog!" Nadia said grabbing the little dog piece which Natasha frankly thought was cute that Nadia wanted the dog; "doesn't matter what piece you have I'm still gonna win" Natasha said.


*third person pov*

"Uno!" Natasha said placing her second to last card down, Nadia whined as she still had 5 cards left and this was the winning game.

She had lost at monopoly and painfully so, even Wanda had beat her and all of her words of confidence beforehand had quickly been turned to shame.

However on the next game they played with another boardgame she had won fortunately.

They had decided on Uno for the last one because it was fast approaching Nadia's bedtime so they chose a quick game.

Wanda placed her card down indicating it was Nadia's turn, the girl smirked and placed down a wildcard "red" she said and looked at Natasha seeing a pleading look in her eyes.

"Yeah gonna go with red" and as soon as she said that Natasha smirked placing down her final red card "that's not fair you lied" Nadia whined "it's not lying it's called pretending" the woman said making Nadia groan at her in return.

"It's not fair" she muttered crossing her arms looking up at Wanda for help "you made the deal sweetie and a deals a deal" Wanda replied.

Natasha had an evil grin on her face.

"Indeed it is and I already have the perfect outfit picked out for you" she said trying to scare the girl, suddenly the deal didn't seem so great.

Deciding to try soften Natasha up so she didn't have to wear whatever hellish outfit she had picked out she went and sat in Natasha's lap resting her head against Natasha's chest.

"I love you mommy" she muttered "I love you too" Natasha mumble resting her head on top of Nadia's for a minute.

She then lifted her head back again "can't wait for you to wear your outfit tomorrow" she added making Nadia also lift her head and give her an unimpressed look "can't we just forget about the deal, you already won isn't that satisfying enough?" the girl tried.

"As much as I love the satisfaction of winning I have to say no, you're wearing the outfit and I'm gonna style your hair all pretty" Natasha said running her hands through the girls hair.

"Sadist" Nadia muttered under her breath.


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