Start from the beginning

"Your order protects the Temple of the Whills," Syrran said.

"That we do, brother. It's our sacred duty."

"Can you take us there?"

"Of course. I've been waiting for you."

"You have?" said a suspicious Theleema.

"I ran into a merchant at the city market; he was looking for a technician and he brought me to this village."

"Just like that?" Elynn said.

"I am one with the Force and the Force is with me. I go where it wills it. I knew there was a reason for my presence here today. Now I know why. And look, the Force even provided us with spamels." Gorin pointed at the nomads' tall mounts.

"This guy has been sitting in the sun for too long," Theleema whispered.

Riding on the animals, Gorin led the group toward the Holy City of Jedha. Syrran, Theleema, and Elynn covered their head with wraps to protect themselves from the elements, and better blend in. During their journey, they began peppering their guide with questions.

"I was part of clovoc—a team of Kyuzo mercenaries," Gorin said. "We were hired to keep the peace in Jedha City during the waning days of the Republic.

"When the Empire came to mine for kyber, they said our contract was cancelled. But the miners continued to pay us to protect them from being forcefully relocated."

"What was wrong with cutting your losses and leaving?" Theleema said.

"We're Kyuzo, sister. We were honor-bound to our duty."

"That couldn't have ended well," Syrran said.

"We put up a good fight, resisting for a few weeks, but there were too many and they had better weapons. We were butchered... myself included."

"How did you survive?" Elynn said.

"By the will of the Force, little sister." Gorin showed a blaster scar on his chest. "I woke up at the Temple of the Whills, and discovered I was being care for by the one who would become my Master. He said the Force had brought him to me and used it to heal me."

"The head of my clan could perform similar feats," said Theleema.

"Your Master is a Jedi?" Syrran said.

Gorin nodded. "He came to the Holy City, seeking sanctuary after the Great Purge. I became his Padawan, but also joined the Guardians of the Whills—which provided me with a good cover in those trying times."

"But you're too old to start training," said Elynn. "And how can you be a Padawan after training for a few years? I spent ten years at the Jedi Temple preparing for my Initiate Trials."

"I don't know, little sister. I follow what my Master says."

"What is his name?" Syrran said.

"You'll meet him at the temple."

"Is he a Kaffir?"

Gorin laughed. "Quinlan Vos? No. Interesting man, though. Do you know him?"

"He was my Master. We came looking for him."

"I can see that." Gorin saw some of Quinlan in the Pantoran's way of dress and un-Jedi-like manner.

"Do you know where I can find him?"

"He left Jedha a while ago. He was investigating the Empire's mining operation."

"What was he investigating exactly?" Elynn tried to establish the connection to the information she stole.

"He was looking for a man; a scientist. But turns out he wasn't here. Me and some friends helped him board one of the cargo shuttles. He wanted to find out where the crystals were going."

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