Chapter 1

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Sitting next to someone who smells like weed and marijuana is not pleasant. I am currently sitting in a damp cell filled with different types of criminals twiddling my thumbs like an idiot. I tried to make conversation with Mr. Druggie next to me, halfway through my conversation about how Miss. Williams is a shitty teacher I realised he was to high to function. So I resorted to playing a thumb war with myself.

I do not usually get caught. This is by far my worst. I usually just bribe my way out or on rare occasions which this one is, when the cops are being stubborn my father will come and bail me out, I ride home with him get a lecture on how I must not break the law again blah blah blah you get the picture. This has happened way to many times to count but my record still stays spotless.

The jingle of keys pull me out of my thoughts. Mr. Jones the cop that is always on my case was opening the cell with a cold glare on his face guess dad came to the rescue again.

"Miss Carter you are free to go"

I stand up and brush myself off. I still have red paint everywhere it seriously looks bad people look at me like I am a murderer which I'm not I just got carried away with my artistic skills. I walk out into the dimly lit hall.

" daddy to the rescue once again" mumbles Jones.

" oh please you love me I am great company"

He just grunts in response. This guy has serious communication issues.

I walk into the waiting area and low and behold my dearest father is waiting next to the scruffy old chairs. He is to elite to be sitting down.

I lock eyes with him and give him a sheepish smile. It wasn't really my fault it just got a little out of control.

I sit down on the old screechy chair and watch him fill out the paperwork probably to keep this off my record. It would seriously look bad to the public if a Carter has a criminal record.

My dad is intimidating to most he is a well built 6 foot giant who only wears suits. I have my dads green eyes and I have my mothers dirty blond hair.

He starts to walk out of the station and I follow suit saluting Jones just to piss him off. I'll probably see him soon anyways.

I hop into the car and close the door expecting an earful of stern warnings that he would never act on.

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