Chapter 4

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I wake up the next morning drenched and face down in clothing.

I remember falling asleep after I tried on one of my old dresses.

I just got caught up with all my clothes. I started packing and then boom, I found an old shirt that I totally forgot about and then I couldn't stop. I have a lot of clothes ranging from 6 inch heels to double D bras. I am an average C.

I get up and stretch my back. I let out a large groan, fuck that hurts. I make my way to my bathroom to get ready.


The whole day is busy packing and eating. I am not even half way done when I am called down for dinner.

I skip down the stairs my mouth and stomach excited for the delicious meal prepared.

We all sit down at the unnecessarily large dinning table and dig in.

"So" my mother begins. Oh shit, nothing ever comes good when my mother starts a conversation with the word 'so.' Last time she started a sentence with the word we found out that our three dogs had escaped. Apparently the gardener left the back gate open and they ran out. I know that was a load of bullshit because I did it. I had just gone out to hit a party and forgot to close the gate when I came back in. In my defence I was shit faced and could barley walk straight.

"We have entered you both in Edith Academy in New York"

There was a stretch of unwanted silence. And then my sisters screeched, like literally ripped her vocals.

"Holy Crap I have always wanted to go here! Holy shit I can't believe it!"

My mother smiled brightly, It slightly dimmed when she turned to me.

"And what do you think Angie"

To be honest I didn't really care where I went. I would prefer government over some fancy private school with snobby brats that roamed the hall but I was definitely grateful that we could afford the excellent education.

"That great mom but I really don't mind if you want to send me anywhere cheaper."

"You can't be serious, I would never be caught dead at a government school, are you mad."

"Amelia I wasn't even talking about you I was just sugges-"

"Enough girls you will both go to Edith and I will hear no complaints about it end of story" my dads stern voice filled the air.

I rolled my eyes. "Angie are we in agreement" my dad pestered. " yup all good"  We continued eating in silence. Once dinner was over I pulled myself upstairs and tried to get more packing done.

I didn't really have any true friends. Sure I had a group where we all did illegal or crazy shit together but no one was a true friend. I have been left behind many times to fend for myself if we got caught. " daddy's money" they would say. They thought I would never be on trouble which I barley was anyways. I was always abandoned when something went wrong and that pissed me the fuck off.

Amelia already was surrounded by people. She loved being the centre of attention all the time where I was always in the back, but I didn't mind I observed and watched. There was always drama that's why I stayed away. I won't lie I have always wanted friends, true ones that would not leave you in the ditch.

Edith will be filled with snobby and rich stuck up kids and I want no part in that. I have heard of them half of them already. I mean Edith is the most expensive and important school in New York and most of my dads friends or business partners kids go there. I have seen so many rich people that live in New York send there kids there. I know it won't be fun but I have one more year to go before I'm off on my own at collage. I just need to survive and not disappoint my parents anymore than I have.

I know my sister will be the centre of attention and be surrounded all the time. She's like that. Like she has to prove a point that she is better at me than making friends or being social. I know all of her 'friends' are fake and she knows it to. I have seen and heard the shit they talk about her when they think she isn't listening but she is and I sometimes see the hurt on her face but she pushes past it and continues going out with them. It's like, she needs validation from anyone. She needs to be liked by everyone.

I am the complete opposite I don't care what people think of me nor do I want fake ass people in my life. I am content as it is and I can live like that.

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