Chapter 3

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I walk down the unnecessarily large stair case waiting for all hell to explode. I walk into the large kitchen and greeted with the sight of my mom and father signing a bunch of papers while Amelia is crying hysterically next to them, well nothing out of the ordinary. "Mom no please you can't just do that it's all HER fault not mine why must I suffer!"

Okay what the hell is going on?

My mom looks up from her laptop and spots me. "Ah Angie come take a seat" what are we in a fucking board meeting?

Obeying I take a seat. "What's up?"

"We're moving" she dead planned.






"Angie" my dad sighs while running a hand down his face.

" no you can't just say that I have a life here!" I mean I really don't I'm as interesting as a fucking sloth but that's not the point.

" Angie you are all over the media our reputation is ruined here most of my partners have pulled out of deals because they read an article of my daughter being a murderer" my dad states.

" we have better opportunities in New York"

"New York!" My voice cracks as I stare at them with wide eyes.

" so not only are we moving but to a whole other continent are you fucking with me"

" Angelina language!"

" you put us into this into this mess and so we will have to fix it" my mom scoffs.

" when are we leaving?" I question accepting my fate.

" we want to get out of London as soon as possible who knows how long until the paparazzi show up" my dad sighs
" two weeks"

" two fucking weeks" I state slowly. What the hell I have to pack all my shit in two weeks.

" I have finalised the house and we will be getting people in here tomorrow to start moving our stuff"

Of course my mom will get people to pack all her stuff god forbid she breaks nail.

" whatever" I mumble. I pivot on my heel and stomp like a fucking elephant upstairs.

I have just dove into my unmade bed when Satan decided to spawn in my doorway.

" are you happy Angie, are you happy I have to leave my whole life behind all because of you it's all your fault."

Amelia have always been popular she was up there with all the prissy princesses and price charmings while I was hanging with the library teacher at break, Mrs Gerall, a 55 year old women was the absolute best. she was always high and super easy going I am gonna miss her and her stories of her cheating 30 year old husband.

" don't you think I get it Amelia, I know I fucking Ruined this for us I'm not stupid but can you stop fucking rubbing it in my face and making me feel even worse than I already do!"

" I'm glad you feel bad because it is nothing compared to what I am feeling" her high heels clicking away as she storms down the hall.

I sigh and flop down on my bed. I have gotten over needing their approval but it still hurts when they care more about their reputation than their own daughter. It has always been like that since I was little. My dad being caught up in work and my mother attending fancy galas. Amelia and I were raised by nannies our whole childhood. I had never want to turn out like them but Amelia thought attending fancy shit and wearing uncomfortable preppy clothing was magical, not that I blame her it looks so fun and exciting from the outside but it really isn't.

My parents make their relationship out to be perfect and in love and let me tell you it is pretty convincing until you hear the fights and bribery happening down stairs. My dad has cheated multiple times and so has my mother they can't afford the public seeing their failed marriage and so they stay together. They do not know how it affects the people around them.

I don't believe in love. Sure I have had some flings here and there but nothing serious. I have seen so many Failed marriages to know love doesn't exist. People fall out of that feeling. Feelings for me are temporary no one can have that same emotion towards someone forever it is likely to wear out.

I start to pack all my ornaments into cardboard boxes there is no way I am having someone I don't know do it.

Two weeks left and I will be in New York. I have been once or twice since my dads hotels are huge there but I haven't explored. I just spent my stay in the hotel dining room. They had meals served the whole day and let me tell you I was in heaven.

But living there permanently is a whole other story. New school with more rich preppy kids. I know my parents will send us to the most expensive school there is and I am not looking forward to it. They will all know what I did I mean I am not ashamed of it. Just turn the other way and don't question it if you see me beat up a kid for taunting me about it.

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