Chapter 5

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The plane ride was awfully stuffy. I mean first class for me is super unnecessary and so my stubborn ass begged my parents if we could sit in economy. They said no but me being, well me would not back down so here I am, sitting next to a, what could be no older than a 9 year old who is now proudly showing me her dressed up mermaid on her sticky iPad. It's gross, Jesus Christ what do children eat these days.

Well my parents and sister are enjoying the upper class ride I am stuck here next to a overly confident child and a old women who has been passed out on my shoulder since we have taken off. It is my own fault but they do not need to know that I have to much pride to admit it. I just did not want to cause a scene. It always happens when we travel, weather the airline doesn't have proper vegetarian food that my sister only eats or it doesn't sell AirPods. Yes AirPods it actually happened and my father was sulking the whole time as he left his at home and refused to wear the cheap wire ones that were given. So don't blame me if I just wanted us to not cause a scene.


I thanked every God above when the hostess announced our descent.

Walking out into the busy and Windy City called New York I felt sluggish and rather empty. I know nothing here and I feel overwhelmed. I hate not knowing it makes my skin crawl.

Our taxi soon arrived and we were off to the house. My father really went all out with this house. It is in one of the most beautiful and expensive estates in New York, surrounded by greenery and two golf courses.

Stepping into my new room which I immediately regretted, the neighbours window was right across from mine. I groaned of course this would happen to me. But my sister took the other room and no other room in this house has an on suit.

It's fine that room is probably empty I mean that house is huge and I am to tired to complain.


"Angie! Dinners ready come eat."

I groaned, I was woken up from my nap to soon. After unpacking everything I fell dead asleep.

I walked done stairs and was greeted by a familiar sight. My dad at the head with my mother opposite him and my sister next to my mother. I took a seat next to my father and dug into the delicious meal our chef prepped us.

"So" my mother starts. "You will be starting school on Tuesday I have already registered you and they are pleased to have you" yeah mom I'm sure they are. All Edith and any other rich private schools want is the status they don't care about the children's well being. If the money is coming in then everything is fine.

"Your uniforms are being delivered tomorrow"


I pull my hair up and hop into bed. I'm very jet lagged and I plan to sleep for the next three days.

I am almost asleep when I hear a something slide. I ignore it and turn over towards my window.

I immediately sit up.

There is a faint light shining through my closed curtains and a large shadow of a person.

I jump up and rip my curtains open. It's dark and I can only see the dark shadow of a person climbing down a ladder from the window opposite mine. The figure, of what looks to be a male reaches the ground and looks around. When I think the person is about to walk the figure looks up. All I here them say is "keep this between you and me, yeah?"

I don't even know who this man is but wow his voice is hot like extremely hot. It's deep and throaty, like it hasn't been used in a while and there is some sort of accent to it.

Fuck me, I am a sucker for accents.

He doesn't wait around for my response and walks towards the road.

Well okay then stranger that I know is very very attractive. I will not tell a soul.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2022 ⏰

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