Chapter 2

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I am scared shitless. The whole ride back home has been dead silent and it's slowly killing me. I don't know what he is thinking and I am going crazy. Our usual rides home from the station are filled with threats and warnings but this one is silent and I'm dreading what is to come.

My dad is rich like really rich. He owns multiple hotels also known as The Carter Industry's. My mother is an assistant at a major fashion company she is the most trusted employee there and so everyone knows her. They both are passionate about their jobs and my scandals don't make it any better for them. Trying to keep the media off my case is hard I will not lie. For some sick reason everyone wants to know what is going on in the famous Carter's lives and it's exhausting. My parents are always about keeping up their clean records to make them look like gods that need to be worshiped.

Walking into the house I see my younger sister and my mother sitting in the living room. My sister looks smug as she always does when I do something wrong. Amelia Carter my devil of a sister she is only a year younger than me and the perfect child. Whenever my parents had business gatherings she would always be introduced to the higher class-men while I stayed in the back. After some time I just never attended. After their nights out the pictures posted on the articles were always of them three looking like the perfect family and it sucked for a while. I then came to my senses and realised I was crying over something stupid. I have never and will never want to be like that, all prissy and perfect looking down on others less fortunate than you, that just wasn't me.

The air was thick I stood stock still in the entrance looking at my mothers frantic expression. My mom was not one to ever loose her cool especially over my stunts. I have always been a bit of a problem child I was always craving for my parents attention I tried to get good grades to show them I did something but they just brushed it off. I joined clubs and participated in sports but they were never proud so I soon gave up. I just wanted their attention whether it be good or bad. I have only done minor things like shop lift, underage drinking, vandalism and breaking and entering private property. It was never anything major I just did it for the fun of it.

"What's going on?" I questioned while taking a seat.

My mother looked at me like I was stupid.

" Angie what the heck was that!" She exclaimed while throwing her hands up in the air. " spray-paint on a private property what were you thinking"

" I got a little carried away" I mumbled in response.

My mother sighed while my dad ran his hand over his face.

" mom why don't you tell her the mess she got is in this time" Amelia scoffed

My mom gave me her phone with an article opened. When I read over it my heart sunk. The media had gotten ahold of my crime and were making it look really bad. Article after article terrorising my family name were popping up.

" I'm sorry" we're the only words I could form. I didn't really like how I was planted all over the gossip world the thing I was worried about was going to school. My rich, preppy school was filled with your usual rich kids my sister and i included. I didn't really have any friends where Amelia was friends with the whole damm school. My personality didn't fit with the rest and I was fine with that I was better on my own anyway.

" what are we going to do now" Amelia questioned.

" Angie go and clean up we will all speak about this in the morning."

I ran upstairs quickly and hopped in the shower. I was stupid I knew that much but I didn't know what we were going to do. It didn't seem like a big deal but my parents and sister care a large amount on what the public think so this is like the end of the world for them.

I layed in bed scrolling through article after article with each story twisting the truth. I wasn't at all excited for tomorrow morning as I would have to face the wrath of my family.

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