14: Hangover

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When I woke up this morning I had a really bad hangover. My head hurt like a bitch and I swear any form of sound made my head ache. I tried to sit up and walk towards the stairs. I carefully climbed down on the flight of steps and when I got down I quickly lied down on the couch putting my arm over my eyes. Aish... I really can't go to school today. My head hurts too much.

Should I go to school or not? Maybe not.

If I'm not going to school then I'd better make breakfast for them first. I walked to the kitchen slowly and got some pancake mix to cook. After making the mix, I got a pan and a spatula out. When the pan was hot enough, I got a ladle and poured the mix on the pan. After finishing all the mix and cooking the pancakes, I placed the plate in the middle of the table and set out some place mats, plates and utensils.

After setting the table up, I went up the staircase bearing with the migraine I was having. I met Hoseok along the way and just told him I wasn't going to school today because I was having a migraine also telling him that I already made breakfast. He just nodded and bade me to take care of myself.

As I got to my bed, I laid down on my bed again and put my arm over my eyes, drifting to sleep.


Upon waking up, my body ached again. Aigoo...

I saw YoonGi beside me still sleeping and I was still in his arms. I got out of his grip and tried to walk the pain off. Its like every night we slept in the same bed, because everyday we practically do it. And I got used to it already so I'm not as sore as the ordinary, but it does cut back my stamina.

I grabbed my clothes and went inside the bathroom to shower. After showering, I came out nice and tidy and also YoonGi was awake. I shot him another glare and just smirked at me. Really, what was his problem?

I really hate this. Why do I even sleep with someone I hate. Well, to counter that I don't actually hate him and I've established that the first night we did it.

But why do I have yo be his slave? I mean he just uses me and I know that. He doesn't love me. And it annoys me to hell that I actually do like him. I swear he is a jerk and can't go a week without doing it. Seriously, he can't.

I made some breakfast for the two of us while he took a shower. After he took a shower, we ate breakfast quietly as always.

I never really got to know him because all it was to him was sex, sex, sex.

As like every other day, we didn't really talk to each other too. He'd just come to me when he was in need.

I actually wish I'd gotten to know him better and I wish out situation was not just like this. Just master and slave. I just want to be in a normal relationship like any other teen.

But then, even this wasn't the kind of relationship, having a relationship with him wasn't normal to any other's eyes.


Ahh.... Seriously it was so boring here, but then the more I tried to move my migraine grew. Practically, I've slept the whole day and just moved when it was time to eat or something. Yuni texted me awhile ago, but I didn't reply. I was still pissed at her when she congratulated me.

I mean I can see it was my fault and I really regret what I've done. Really. Then she goes congratulating me and it just really pissed me off I swear.

I shouldn't act like this, but I'm gonna come clean. I wouldn't be this pissed if I didn't like Jimin enough than I already think. I would be happy that my mission is accomplished, I would still feel guilty, but not this guilty. I think I've gotten past the whole crying myself to sleep thing because I think no more tears will be shed, but that's what I think, wait until later night, all if my tears will be pouring once again.

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