21: Interesting Morning

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When I woke up, my body was so sore. Ugh... I tried to sit up slowly of course the pain not subsiding at all. I sat at the edge of the bed and stood up, but then I quickly fell down due to the numbness I felt from the pain. Is that possible?

"Ah, Taehyung-ah... Are you okay?" He groaned and sat up, his sleepy eyes making its way to me.

"Uhm... Yeah kinda..." I said groaning as I turned myself into a sitting position.

"Since it was your first time, its really gonna hurt like that, so I suggest you stay in bed for a little more. I'll just make breakfast, okay?" He said walking over to me, carrying me in bridal style and kissed me on the forehead. I smiled at him and I pulled myself back in the blankets. I drifted off to sleep for a little while.

I woke up to the smell of bacon and eggs. It smelt so good. I heard Jimin go up the stairs with a plate of those delicious bacon and eggs. I only realized now that I was starving.

"Here you go, baby." He said and carefully handed me the plate with the mouthwatering breakfast. I scarfed it all in and heard Jimin laugh at me. I glared at him and he held his hands up in surrender. I just started to eat until I finished everything in my plate, all spick and span.

"I never knew you knew how to cook." I suddenly opened up.

"Well, yeah I learned from my mom, but cooking is just that sole reminder of her. I rarely cook because I'll think about her." He said seriously. I lowered my head down in shame.

"I'm sorry for asking." I pouted. He became cheery again and pinched my cheeks.

"You're so cute! And its fine, its been a long time ago. Forget it." He smiled genuinely.

"No! Just don't say it like that. Its your mom. It was a sensitive question of me to ask." I argued. He just pinched my cheek again. I pouted at him.

"You're so cute, Taehyung! Stop being cute, you're giving me morning wood and I don't want to fuck you senseless when you're still senseless from last night." He smirked. I blushed profusely. "But y'know, you're my lover now so its really fine and you didn't know. Well, in fact we still don't know each other that much, so how 'bout maybe I'll take you out on a date this Friday night?" He asked a grin forming on his lips.

Well if you actually think about it, we really don't know much about each other, even when we were fake dating. So maybe this is a good time to widen our relationship.


"C'mon, let's take a bath now, we're gonna be late for classes." He informed, then another smirk formed on his lips. "Let's just take a bath together. It'll save water and time." I blushed at his suggestion, but no way was I falling for it.

"No way! I'm gonna shower myself, I shower pretty quick so I'm just------ HEYYYY!!! JIMIN PUT ME DOWN!!" I shouted and struggled as he carried me down the stairs.

"Hey Taehyung! You'd want to be careful if you don't want to die early!" He scolded.

"You'd better put me down Park Jimin or else you're gonna die early!" I retorted he just chuckled and carried me to the bathroom.


"Hey Gongchan! Wake up! Its already 7:30 and classes start at 8:00! I don't want to be late so get your ass up!" I scolded. Aish! This kid was never really the early bird.

He groaned and shifted positions facing his back to me, "Five more minutes."

"Five more minutes my ass! Everyone always says that and look what happens!" I went closer to him and started shaking him violently now. "Yah!" I shouted as he pulled me into the bed with him, enclosing me in a hug. I felt my breath hitch as I could feel his warmth through the hug. Its been so long since we were this close, I wasn't really used to it anymore so all I could was blush.

"I said five more minutes. If you dare move or speak within that five minutes, I'm gonna kiss you." He threatened and fell back to sleep. Of course I didn't dare to speak or move. I was in a daze while this was happening. I tried distracting myself in timing his oh-so-five-minutes talk.

(Five minutes has passed)

"Hey! Gongchan! Its been five minutes already! Wake up!" I whined like the little kid. He groaned and I was shocked when he actually kissed me! What the hell does he think he's doing??

He pulled away and let me go, crawling over me to stand on the floor. He rubbed his eyes and smirked at me before going inside the bathroom.

What the hell??


"Hey sexy, wake up." A husky voice called out to me. I was startled and sat up in panic. Oh, it was just him.

"Don't call me sexy. And I'm taken so find yourself somebody else because I'm not going to leave YoonGi for a jerk like you." I spat.

"Excuse me, I am gorgeous." He admired himself, i just rolled my eyes at his narcissistic attitude. "And I told you, I won't go down without a fight, remember?" He smirked and it led me to a flashback of what happened last night.


"Brother??" I exclaimed.

"Well, stepbrother to be exact. I'm Jiyong." He introduced. YoonGi never told me any of this. Well, of course he wouldn't, we weren't even close that time. We just realized at the end, so we never actually knew anything about each other.

"Ohhh...." Was all I could say.

"And YoonGi does really know my type doesn't he? Tch. I won't go down without a fight Jeon Jeongguk. You will be mine."

End of flashback

He smirked as he could see I was trying to recall last night's events. He then suddenly licked my ear and I was shocked so I yelped, making me jump, so in the process of hitting my head to the top of my bed.

"Owww...." I caressed my poor head. "Don't fucking do that!" I shrieked.

"Hmmm.... You are my type. You will be mine Jeon Jeongguk." He smirked, repeating his statement from last night.

Hey!!!!! So here ya go! An update yay!!! GUYS PRETTY PRETTY PLEASE READ MY NEW STORIES: Stolen (Vmin) and What's worse than love? (Vkook) PLEASE PLEASE PRETTY PLEASE WITH CHERRY ON TOP! Please tell me if its okay, please I need your opinion on this! Thanks! Anyways, I hope you liked this chapter tho! Thanks for reading! Peace out! ✌

Sydney /(=✪ x ✪=)\

How to Make the Playboy Fall In Love (Vmin)(#Wattys 2015) ✔Where stories live. Discover now