Nate scowls at Darrell, surprised at his tone and V looks back and forth between the two's facial expressions.  Out of the Carter brothers, Nate is the most laid-back, nonchalant one.  So it's a bit scary for Veronica to see Nate this way.

"Nathan, I'll be there in 5 minutes.  I promise."

Nate looks into Veronica's eyes, and can see the amount of hurt in them.  He knew she was upset about whatever his father said to her, but didn't think she was deeply hurt from it.  "...You want me to shut it down?"

"Can you just let them know the last person in line, right now, is my last client?"

"I got you." Nate scowls at Darrell one last time before turning back to the shop.

Darrell ignores it, focusing back on Veronica who is currently looking down at the ground.  "What are you thinking?"

"...I made a mistake coming back here."

"To the shop?"

"No.  To New York.  I'm falling out with my family- I should've stayed in Cali."

Darrell studies her defeated expression.  "...You know that a root is forced to move up from under the ground because it's looking for some air and water, right?"

She squints at him.  "Umm.. yeah."

"That's what it seems like you and your family is experiencing, right now.  How you felt about moving to California was buried deep down inside.  Then you move back out here, and people expect you to be the same person you were when you were 16- taking care of everyone but yourself.  That right there made your unresolved feelings rise up from the ground- You're emotionally malnourished.  While it may seem bad now, there's no doubt in my mind things will get better once you start expressing yourself to your family.  Including telling them exactly what you need.  I think that would be more effective than running away from the problem, don't you think?"

Veronica is deep in thought.

"...I'm gonna head back to the boys.  But listen... when you're ready to tell me what you really want from me, let me know."  Darrell starts to walk back to the shop.


He looks back at her.

"You're suggesting I tell my family what I need.  However, I don't know exactly what that it is.  BUT... I know what I need from you."

Darrell looks shocked at her words.  "...What's that?"

"You seem to always appear when some fucked up shit happens to me, so I'm starting to think it has to be something God is trying to tell me.  Maybe we're supposed to develop a platonic friendship, because honestly... that's what I need.  I still don't want to be in a relationship, but I am okay with not having sex with you, if you're okay with just being my friend."  She exhales.  "That sounded so elementary," she says before tittering.

Darrell gives her a gentle smile.  "... No it didn't.  If that's what you need... then that's what we'll work on."

Veronica starts to blush.  "Okay." 

He tilts his head, flashing a bigger smile.  "Are you blushing?" 

"No, I'm not," she says, quickly starting to walk away towards the shop. 

"Is that why you're walking away from me so fast?"

"I'm walking away so I can get back to work."

Darrell laughs, following her back to the shop.

"And you better not tell anyone I asked for a friendship."

He laughs harder.  "Just know that you're going to see a whole different side of me now.  The brutally honest side of me."

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