The Search For The Sword

Start from the beginning

"Let's keep going. The sooner we get to the next destination, the sooner we get to wrap up our mission." I said, marching along the path we had mapped out.

We moved in silence for a while, before we realized we heard four sets of footsteps, not three. I looked behind us to see a massive figure of a person attached to a horse. Normal people would assume this was a sort of centaur, but I knew better. This was a Lynel, one of the most dangerous monsters I had ever faced. As we looked up at him, the Lynels mouth started glowing red.

"GET DOWN!" I yelled, jumping to the side as the Lynels mouth grew brighter and brighter.

We managed to get out of the way just in time for a massive fireball to fly over our heads. We all scrambled to our feet and drew whatever weapons we had with us. I passed Oz my bow and quiver, since his cane was going to be useless against the tough hide of a Lynel. I drew out my sword, and charged the Lynel. It raised it's fists to hit me, so at the last second, I dodged to the side. The world slowed down as I landed a quick succession of slashes to the side of the Lynel, not quite cutting it, but definitely damaging it. I kept at my assault, before the world returned to it's usual speed, forcing me to roll backwards to avoid a blow from the Lynels swinging fist.

"(Y/N), what is this thing?" Pyrrha asked me as she thrust her spear at the beasts side.

"It's called a Lynel. Imagine a lion, a human, a horse, and a dragon fused together, and that's what this is." I answered. "It's hide is almost impossible to pierce and it's freakishly strong and fast."

"Any weak spots?" Came her next question.

This gave me a pause. Normally I would have just used the Master Sword and slashed it's hide like that, but that wasn't an option. There was only one spot that I thought I could use, but it was extremely risky.

"There's one, but I'll need you guys to distract him." I announced, mentally preparing myself.

"On it." Pyrrha and Oz said at the same time, drawing it's attention with shouts and blows from their weapons.

As they distracted it, I took a few steps back, before charging towards it. I landed on it, similarly to how you would sit on a horse, and started hacking at the weak spot at the base of it's neck. It started roaring and trying to knock me off it's back. I wrapped my legs around the body of the Lynel as it started bucking and shaking itself. I swung my sword three more times, before the head finally severed from the body. The body bucked a couple more times, steadily losing energy as it finally died.

"How'd you know about that?" Pyrrha asked as we caught our breath.

"Back when I first encountered Lynels, Fi mentioned that this was the main weak spot, if you can't manage to pierce the hide." I answered, cleaning of my sword before sheathing it again. "The only blade I've ever encountered that can cut a Lynels hide is the Master Sword."

"So the only easy way to take them out is with the same blade that is going to take out Ganondorf?" Oz asked.

"Yeah." I replied, examining our surroundings. "We should be nearing the Temple Of Time."

As we trudged along, I felt more nostalgia crash over me. Eventually we reached the crumbling remains of the temple. I gazed up and felt a breath catch in my throat as I caught sight of the shattered stained glass windows. The walls had been ripped apart, barely standing on their own. However, even though the walls were crumbling, there stood a stone monument of the Triforce.

"What's that statue?" Pyrrha asked, being the only one who didn't know what it was.

"That's the Triforce, the only reason Remnant managed to survive as long as it has." Oz answered, before addressing me. "Any chance you feel something here?"

"There's something, but I don't know what." I answered, staring at the Triforce statue.

I walked towards the statue, examining it. I felt a resonance within me, calling me towards the statue. I reached out with my right hand, placing it in the middle hole in the statue. My hand glowed a bright gold color, illuminating the Triforce symbol on my hand with the Triforce of Courage. I could feel my face morph into one of shock as I saw this, before I heard the sound of stone scraping against stone. I glanced to the Triforce of Courage section of the statue and saw a secret compartment had opened.

"(Y/N), what's going on with your hand?" I heard Pyrrha ask.

"The Triforce of Courage. It found it's way back to me." I answered, staring at my hand.

"What's in the compartment?" Oz asked, walking over to look inside it.

I reached my hand into the compartment and wrapped my hand around the object. I lifted the object out of compartment, revealing a blue ocarina.

"Is that-?" Pyrrha asked, before I cut her off.

"The Ocarina of Time." I answered, tearing up as I gazed at it.

As I stared at the object, I could feel tears streaming down my face. This item made me remember all the fun times I had using it. In times where I could barely cope with the world around me, I used to play my ocarina to remind myself of why I was fighting so hard. I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked back to see Oz, also tearing up.

"Why don't you play us a song?" He asked, sounding melancholy.

At his words, I began playing a song long lost to history. I had first read about it in an ancient Hyrulean textbook. It was called 'Zelda's Lullaby' and was played to one of Hyrules greatest monarchs of all time. As the tune came out of the ocarina, memories of a simpler time came back to me. Times when I wasn't crushing on my best friend, when the people I trusted the most didn't hate me. As the tune came to an end, I lingered on the final note. I looked to Oz and Pyrrha, taking in their expressions. Oz had a sad smile, still with tears in his eyes. Pyrrha on the other hand, had a mixture of sadness and contentedness on her face.

"What was that?" She asked, voice soft.

"It's called Zelda's Lullaby. It was used on Hyrule's greatest monarch when she was young." I answered.

"How did you find out about it?" Pyrrha followed up.

That was an excellent question. I thought back to when I first found the song.

"Well, I found it during my trip to Hyrule." I answered, reminiscing.

"So is the sword here?" Oz asked, wiping his eyes.

"I don't feel it anywhere." I shook my head. "Sorry."

"It's alright (Y/N)." Pyrrha said, pulling me into an embrace. "There should be a small town nearby, we can rest there for tonight."

"Sounds good." Oz nodded, beginning to walk in the direction of the town.

Pyrrha and I remained in our small embrace for a couple more seconds, not quite over the comfort yet. We both had had to distance ourselves from the ones we treasured in our lives, so it was comforting to be able to open up these insecurities to someone, even if we didn't say anything. After we stopped the embrace, we jogged to catch up with Oz.


Night was dawning by the time we neared the inn of the town we entered. We walked into the reception area, and waited while Oz booked our rooms. As we awkwardly stood there, the news going off caught my attention.

"Breaking news from the former Beacon Academy building." The reporter said, sounding matter of fact. "The new ruler of Remnant, Ganondorf, has caught some of the most notorious fugitives and is currently holding them at the former school."

"You don't think-" I started asking, before I cut myself off.

There on screen were the pictures of all of our friends. My heart slightly broke when I realized they used the school photos of our friends, so seeing Ruby's bright silver eyes really hurt.

"Oz." I called to him. "We need to get back to Beacon, now."

He looked towards us, and immediately saw what we were talking about. He excused himself from the clerk, and we all ran out of the building and through the town. Without saying anything, we all knew that no matter what, we needed to save our friends.

The Hero of Remnant Volume 1: The Hero Returns (Male Link Reader x RWBY)Where stories live. Discover now