Things Can't Get Worse... Right?

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If I were to tell you that my life in the last few days were crazy, I'd be completely undermining how difficult it has been for me. Pops has been showing me off like a trophy from a competition. He was so proud that his kid was accepted into Beacon, not only early, but also without going to a hunter school beforehand. Ruby's been visiting the shop every once in a while to hang out and talk about how exciting it is to go to Beacon early. I noticed Pops gives me a smirk and a wink whenever Ruby comes to visit.

Currently I'm on the bullhead to Beacon wearing my hunter outfit. My outfit consists of a beige long sleeve, a light blue t-shirt over top of the long sleeve, beige pants, brown boots, a brown arm guard on my right arm, my black cloak, my sword and shield attached on my harness on my back, and a satchel over my left shoulder which had some extra weapons and some medical supplies in it. 

I'm currently standing looking out the window minding my own business when I feel a tap on my arm. I look to my left and saw Ruby standing there with a taller blonde girl standing next to her.

"Hey (Y/N)!" She exclaimed excitedly. "Is this the outfit you told me about?"

"Yeah it is, sewed it myself." I told her before turning my attention to the blonde. "I don't believe we've met before, I'm (Y/N) as Ruby practically yelled earlier."

"Names Yang Xiao Long." She told me before whispering to Ruby. "When you said he was cute, you really meant it, huh?"

Me and Ruby blushed upon hearing that comment. Yang however had a huge grin on her face after seeing us blush.

"So are you guys excited for Beacon?" I asked, trying to change the subject.

"Oh yeah!" Yang excitedly told me. "I can't wait to see all the cute boys."

"Ignore her." Ruby told me. "You already know my answer."

I was about to reply when someone ran past us and towards a garbage can. I was about to ask what he was doing when he started hurling into the garbage can. Unable to resist, I had to make a sarcastic comment.

"Guess flying isn't everyone's cup of tea." I said, earning a chuckle from Yang and a giggle from Ruby.

After making some more small talk, me, Ruby and Yang exited the bullhead upon it's landing. We were about to continue our conversation when the same blonde guy ran past us to keep throwing up.

"Man, if that guy throws up from flying, imagine if he drinks alcohol." I joked.

"Look at all the weapons!" Ruby exclaimed.

She started listing the different weapons while looking around excitedly.  She was about to dash away to look at more weapons before Yang grabbed her hood, halting her movement abruptly. They started having a conversation. I was going to listen when I heard a voice. At first I thought it was someone around me, but when I looked around, I noticed a completely blue woman hovering about a foot off the ground at the edge of the forest. She was looking at me. she did not appear to have arms, only a cloak that floated around where her arms would be. Then it hit me, she was the one who called to me. She spoke to me again, and I realized she wasn't speaking out loud, but inside my head. I payed closer to what she was saying and was immensely confused. She only repeated one word over and over.

'Master.' The voice called me. 

I was immensely confused. I didn't own anyone. And that was definitely not my kink. I was about to walk towards the lady when I was brought back to reality by Ruby tapping my shoulder. Looking towards her she held a look of concern.

"Are you ok (Y/N)?" She asked. "You've been staring at that spot for like 5 minutes."

"Do you not see the blue lady over there?" I asked as I pointed where the blue lady was.

The Hero of Remnant Volume 1: The Hero Returns (Male Link Reader x RWBY)Where stories live. Discover now