Memories With A Sword Spirit

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(Y/N)'s POV.

"Hello Master." A much more familiar voice piped up.

Looking over my shoulder, I was greeted by the familiar sight of Fi floating on the spot. Her blue and purple robes billowing in the wind behind her.

"Hello Fi." I returned the greeting. "What brings you here today?"

"You remember who I am? Has your memory returned?" She asked, with a tone that sounded suspiciously like mirth.

"Not yet. Ozpin told me the full story of when I was young. Ozpin is the reincarnation of Ozma." I explained.

"So you have no memories of your prior life?" She asked, sounding crestfallen.

"Not yet. But I remember having a recurring dream about being surrounded by an older man, four younger girls, and an attractive blonde lady in a simple white dress." I explained my recurring dream to her.

"Then you remember your death. That was the final moments the hero had before he took his last breath for thousands of years." Fi explained what I had been seeing for years. "There is a way for you to regain some of your memories early, but it will result in me needing to rest for quite some time."

"And you're sure it will restore my memories?" I asked.

"Not all of them, but a good portion of them will." She reassured, with the familiar tone that  soothed me to the very core. "But you will feel immensely tired and will require rest for at least 8 hours for your body to fully recover."

"Let's do it. I'll need to remember everything I can in order to defeat Ganondorf." I decided. "So how does this work?"

"Lie down in your bed, close your eyes. You will feel strange at first, but then you will fall into a deep slumber, restoring your memories." She instructed.

I followed her instructions, laying down on the bed, looking up at the roof. I closed my eyes and awaited the sensation of recollection. However that feeling did not come, rather I felt like sleep was overcoming me. I accepted these feelings, and quickly went into a bizarre type of dream. When I used to have my dreams about my previous life, I was viewing them through my old eyes, like it was happening for the first time. Now, however, it was as if I was a fly on the wall. Viewing as though I was simply a bystander for the first time.

The memories were running through my head at the same time. Flashes of moments that unlocked hidden memories that I hadn't even known were there.

"Go, seek the Goddess Sword and fight the darkness."

"Saria, I can't take this."

"Hi, I'm (Y/N) of the Kokiri Tribe."

"Ozma, who is that boy?"

"This is it. The resting place of the Goddess Sword."

"I finally have trapped you boy. Once and for all."

"It's time to awaken, Hero Chosen By The Goddess."

"Hi I'm (Y/N), but I'm no longer sure that I'm of the Kokiri Tribe."

"Go west and seep the blade in the flames of the Three Golden Goddess's."

"With this blessing, the sword becomes The True Master Sword. Capable of sealing the darkness away."

"I got something for you. Dog tags that highlight your hero status."

"There's a chance we might not make it out safely. If we don't, I want you to know that I've been proud to call you a friend, Ozma."

I woke up in a cold sweat. It was 3:00 in the morning, marking more than 8 hours since I went into the sleep state that restored my memories. I remembered all the key events that happened in my previous life. Events that helped in my defeat of Ganondorf. I honestly felt more awake then I ever had. So instead of trying to go back to sleep, I threw on my hunter outfit and headed down towards the training arena. I headed towards a training bag, pulling my sword out of it's sheath, and began swinging it at the bag in a kata I'd learned in my previous life.

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