The Search For The Sword

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(Y/N)'s POV

As we continued our trek in search of the Master Sword, we walked through many different ruined cities. Tensions had settled between me and Oz, but me and Pyrrha were a different story. She was obviously not happy with the fact that the worlds fate was in my hands, but she didn't understand that there was no other option. The sword had only two wielders, me and Lady Hylia. Of course, there was one more, yet I couldn't fathom the thought of if he got his hands on the sword.

"Any idea how much farther the next possible location is?" Oz asked, breaking the tense silence.

"About 20 kilometres." I answered, gauging it off the map we had taken from Oz's office. "At least, I think. The terrain has changed so much since I was last here."

"Of course it has." Pyrrha angrily exclaimed. "Because this couldn't be easy. How do we even know that the sword is here?"

"We don't, we just have to hope." Oz sagely advised.

"What good is hope?" She retorted. "How far has hope gotten us up to this point?"

"Hope is the only reason we're here so far." I said back, starting to feel angry. "If we didn't have hope in Lady Hylia, the both of you would be dead, and I wouldn't have ever been around in the modern day."

Ever since regaining my memories, that was a hard thing for me to comprehend. If it wasn't for my unwavering faith in Lady Hylia, I would never have had any where near the amount of experience or adventure I've had.

"Maybe life would be better had you not been here." Pyrrha yelled, getting really close to my face. "MAYBE IF YOU WERE'NT HERE WE WOULDN'T HAVE TO DEAL WITH THIS TERRIFYING UNCERTAINTY OF A FUTURE!"

I stumbled back, struggling to comprehend what just happened. Pyrrha had always been really kind to everyone, but she clearly felt strongly about this.

"Maybe we should all calm down." Oz tried to rationalise. "We don't want to drag any Grimm or any of Ganondorf's army here."


"Why are you so bothered by this?" I asked, angry yet confused. "This is my call to make."

"Because you don't know what it's like to deal with attention since you were young." Pyrrha softly said, a stark contrast from her previous yelling. "You shouldn't have this burden placed on you."

"Pyrrha, I understand that you don't like it." I began, softly matching Pyrrha's tone. "But you need to understand that this isn't our choice anymore. Ganondorf is here, and it's my job to stop him."

"I know, I just don't like you having to fight this." She muttered. "I heard what happened last time, please don't have a repeat incident. If not for me, please do it for Ruby. Do you know how distraught she'd be if you died again?"

"She seemed pretty content to scream at me earlier." I muttered, looking down sadly. "Maybe it would be better if I didn't talk to her for a while."

I felt their pitying gazes look towards me as I stood there. It had been a while since I had mentioned her to them. It had apparently been abundantly clear that I cared for her, and while I never actually said it, her opinion of me mattered a lot.

"Then there's an even better reason to survive" Oz inputted. "So you can apologize and make up with her to help set things straight."

"Maybe." I didn't raise my head, instead choosing to maintain my fixed gaze on the ground.

Their pity-filled gazes never once left me, I could feel it. It was weird knowing that I was the subject of their sadness. Especially given all I felt was numbness.

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