A Legend Is Born

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When most people think of legends to tell their kids, the story of the Four Maidens comes to mind the most. The truth is that there is more to the story than most people know. A tragedy that history forgot, involving a young boy giving up his life to save the world. And it all started with a boy garbed in green, who lived in a forest.

Emerald Forest was once a forest where there was a peaceful tribe called the Kokiri. The Kokiri were a tribe that stopped ageing at the age at the age of 10. Most Kokiri children were visited by a fairy when they turned 6. However a young boy by the name of (Y/N) was an exception. When he turned 10 he still had not been visited by a fairy. His best friend Saria always cheered (Y/N) on and believed in him. She was always there for him when he needed her the most. At the age of 6 instead of being visited by a fairy, he instead turned his focus towards training with a sword. By the time he turned 10, he had become the best swordsman in his entire tribe. That's when he received a shock. He was visited in his sleep and warned about impending doom from a blue lady with no arms. When he awoke, he steeled his resolve and prepared to leave his tribe for awhile. Before he could leave, Saria gave him one last gift. An ocarina, along with a song that would contact her if he ever needed to talk to her.

After leaving his forest, he quickly found himself in a world that was completely new to him. People gave the young boy strange looks as he wandered through the streets of this new town. As he was looking around, the voice of that lady rang through his head. 'Locate the Goddess Sword.' (Y/N) wasn't sure what a Goddess Sword was but he knew that it would be crucial to defeating whatever was going to attack. After asking around he eventually found a man that was named Ozma who knew what he was talking about. After explaining the dream he was told that there was a temple nearby that required whoever entered to pass tests of power, wisdom, and courage in order to gain access to the sword. After their conversation Ozma led the young swordsman towards the temple. The boy passed each test and gained access to the sword. However as a twist, he was sealed away in a place called the spirit realm by the evil force he was tasked with destroying.

7 years later the boy emerged from the spirit realm and met Rauru the sage of light, who then tasked the 17 year old with upgrading his Goddess Sword into the most powerful version it can be. He was also tasked with recruiting the other six sages to help seal away the darkness that was plaguing the land. He discovered that while he was trapped for 7 years darkness had steeped into the land and taken over every inch of the world he once knew. 

After an excruciatingly long journey, (Y/N) was able to upgrade the Goddess Sword into the completed Master Sword. After assembling the rest of the sages, (Y/N) was told that he would have to complete trials to collect all three pieces of something called the Triforce. The Triforce was a power that focused on three attributes of a persons soul. When all three pieces were collected, whoever collected the pieces would gain one wish from the goddess Hylia herself. After completing the trials and gaining all the pieces of the Triforce, (Y/N) set out to rally enough troops to launch an assault on the dark castle. Many people refused to join before he found one man who agreed to assist in any way he could. Ozma. Eventually (Y/N) and Ozma gathered enough people to launch an assault of great proportions against the castle in which the darkness resides. Before the army made their assault they needed someone to take charge and guide them into the battle. Ozma instantly voted that (Y/N) be that man. After being convinced to agree, (Y/N) gave everyone a pep-talk that changed the outcome of the fight forever.

"I'm not going to lie or sugarcoat this." He started simply. "I'm looking at this group and realising just how overwhelmed we might be during this fight. But that's not going to stop us from trying to change the world. One day people will see this in the history books and do one of two things depending on the outcome of this battle. They will praise us as heroes if we win, or laugh at us like losers if we lose. I don't know about you guys but I'm going to fight for the land I once knew until the bitter end. The future generations need a better future. If we want that for them, we need to put our all into this battle! So who's with me!?!?!?"

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