Part 33

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Taehyung was ready to rip Jimin's head off after he accidentally found out from his dad about his friend's discharge. But how could he, when it's been more than two years since they talked to eachother.. He had tried to keep up with his sister's and Jungkook's life as much as he could, but Jimin was somewhat out of reach.

He had also been busy with his work and his girlfriend, focusing more on his career. Mina had already become a part of the Kim family ever since the misunderstanding was cleared up, and his sister was on 'good' terms with her. Even if they talked it out, Y/N never really made any attempts to reach out to him or their mother for anything since then. He knew that his dad was regularly getting updated, but it was understandable as they were always very close.

Mina had never really found out about Y/N and Jungkook's second identity, since the two rarely got mentioned during conversations. They were almost like a taboo topic, unintentionally being avoided since the news about the two would always be the same - They are working. I don't know where they are. They're doing okay.

It was Namjoon who called them one day, informing him about a family dinner with Jimin's parents. Seeing as he and Mina got also invited could only mean that Jimin would be there too, and maybe even Y/N and Jungkook would come. This was a great news, and he was even more excited to hear that it would be at a fancy restaurant instead of their home.


"Mom, why does it have to be at a restaurant~? Why can't you just throw a party at home for us...or rather come over to the dorms and have dinner...hmm?" Jimin was whining to his mother, who just informed him about his own 'welcome back' party. She told him how she invited the Kim family and reserved the best private room at one of her favourite restaurants. Her protests and the listing of countless reasons as to why it COULDN'T be held at home could be heard over the phone, making the two sitting beside him giggle.

"But I'd rather celebrate at home, here with Y/N, Kook and you guys... yeah...but-... Yes mother... I will... Bye, love you too." He sighed before dropping his head on the back of his sofa, ignoring the expectant looks his two friends were giving him. If his mom invited Y/N's parents, does that mean that Taehyung and his girlfriend would be there?

"Mom is throwing a party for me at her favourite restaurant, and she told me she invited your family." He trailed off as Y/N let out a soft 'ah' in understanding, but she didn't expect the next question. "Is Tae still in a relationship with that girl? That...Mina?"

"Is she invited too?" Jungkook asked with his mouth full of cereal, not understanding why she would go if it was just the parents meeting up. "Well, I guess Taehyung will bring her along if they are still together. I mean, you would bring Areum too if she was here, no?"

"Wait, are Kookie and I also invited? But it's going to be at a public place, and we don't know if the company would allow." Y/N remarked while her head leaned on Jimin's shoulder, sneakily cuddling up to his side while he had been distracted by the news. Feeling the sudden warmth and the smell of the jasmine scented shampoo she used made him lean closer. Pulling the girl into his arms as she now had her back leaning against his chest he gave her a small kiss on her temple.

"I'd like it if you two could make it. I don't know just how awkward it would get with everybody around. The only people I trust to lead a decent conversation out of our families are only our dads. For all I know, mom could suddenly pull out a photo album with my naked baby pictures and show off how 'handsomely' I've grown up." He could already feel the blush creep up to him cheeks just by imagining the many childhood stories his mother would share, hiding his face in Y/N's hair.

"We all have such stories and embarrassing picture of our childhood. But see the positive side of it, as everything would stay inside the family anyways, instead of being spread to strangers." Jungkook's words did make sense, as Mrs Park liked referring to Y/N as her future daughter-in-law ever since she found out about her son's crush on her back in college.

"Well, the good thing is that our identities are a secret, so we could go as family friends. And thanks to looking like ourselves again, without the Barbie and Ken vibes, we could easily blend in with everybody." Y/N gave Jimin's hand that was resting on her waist a reassuring squeeze and told him they would attend if the company allowed.


"So the boss really gave you a whole freaking week instead of just that one day? The power of the Artist of the Year award is really something!" Jimin exclaimed jokingly as JK told him about the news. The unexpected mini vacation made both idols excited, but it also was an opportunity to visit family. Jungkook was thinking about going to Busan, as he had missed both his dad and his girlfriend to death the past two years, and Jimin was more than willing to let him go.

Mrs Park was also very understanding when he told her about Jungkook's plans, sending her best wishes for his dad. She was very tempted to pack food for the male to bring back home, making both her husband and son chuckle at her silliness. Having met Jungkook often during her cleaning visits to the dorm, she got very fond of the giant bunny, and adopted him into her family, along with Y/N.

The three friends said their goodbyes at the dorm before Jungkook took a taxi to the airport and left for Busan. They agreed to not send him off, as it would only attract unwanted attention to the boy and them as well. The apartment got quieter as there were no more screams from the two gaming adults, and Y/N enjoyed these quiet moments as they lasted. In reality though, her mind was going through every possible scenario that could play out during the party, already feeling nervous meeting her family face to face again.

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