Part 16

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Spending time with their family during a short break sounded perfect, but sadly it was not a break. After a day of rest the members of Pu.Re were early in the morning heading for their company. The oh so familiar building was covered in deep snow due to the previous night's heavy snowstorm.

Greeting the older man at the entrance they made their way to the studios to say hello to their old dance teacher before starting the day's practice. Seeing some familiar faces in the practice rooms reminded them of their trainee times and hard work.

Around noon Jungkook's ringtone disturbed their practice, and seeing as Jimin was the caller the phone was answered. "Hey Jimin, are you on your way already?"

"No, and that's why I'm calling. Due to the heavy snowfall the rails got covered so we have to wait until they clean them for the train to start. They have postponed all trains from the morning till the afternoon or tomorrow."

"That's not good. So when would you be arriving? Did you manage to reschedule the tickets?"

"Not yet since we don't know when the train will be able to depart again. And due to the large number of people we have it's going to be hard to get everyone on the same train. For now we hope to find some other way there since we can't drive there either as the roads are blocked too."

"Okay, we understand. Call us as soon as you know anything more. Y/N and I are practicing our stage and we'll go over the performance with the hyungs who are already in Busan too." Jungkook reassured Jimin a bit before hanging up the phone and facing his worried looking partner. "You heard it?"

A nod was enough to answer even his unasked questions so they left it as it is. Practicing hard was something to distract them from overthinking things. In two days they had the rehearsal and in 3 days the show, however they only practiced their collaboration stage once before.

Things would be easier if it was just one song, but it was not. As they had two separate stages, JK with the hip-hop unit and Nana with the performance unit on top of the shared stage it got a bit complicated.

In the afternoon knocks were heard on the practice room doors before two people entered, greeting our duo. One of them was the same short pale guy who barged into their dressing room a while ago, the other was the self proclaimed angel (but more like devil) of the other group.

After exchanging their greetings the atmosphere got serious as their whole performance was at stake due to the lack of members. The four of them kept practicing their dancing and singing together and separately, monitoring each other late into the night.

"Jihoon hyung, are you going to sleep here in the studio?" Jungkook was looking at the older who was already drifting off to sleep on the sofa in one of the smaller studios. Before an answer was given the other senior walked past him and joined the previously cocooned one pulling a blanket over himself and getting comfortable.

The two seniors who were internationally known idols were sleeping on a sofa that would barely fit Jungkook alone? This would not be a shocking sight if it were trainees or rookie idols, but seeing his seniors like that genuinely surprised him. The two older guys didn't seem to mind it and soon enough found comfortable positions hugging each other. Jungkook decided to leave after turning off the lights and closing the door shut.

Meanwhile Y/N was looking for some blankets herself, as it was too late to return back home this late if they had to come again in a few hours. Some of their juniors were also still practicing, and looked very happy when they saw her.

Back then when they lived in the dorm the two of them used to cook for everyone, as the kids only knew how to make ramyeon. Seeing her there again, the first thing they asked was naturally when she'd cook for them again. After making a promise with them and getting them to sleep Y/N returned to their own practice room.

Love Is Not Over - PJM FFOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz