Part 20

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Nana and JK were tired after the previous day's schedule, but their day was still not over. Finishing the recording at the company, the two idols had to hurry back home as they had a party to attend in the evening. Luckily for the broadcast they had their hair and makeup had been done. Nana had her black wig styled in a half updo, make-up matching the dress that she had chosen for the night.

While the two of them were busy during the day, the Kim family used their time to go sightseeing. Taehyung and his girlfriend went around the city centre and visited a nearby beach, enjoying the nice weather. Unlike the previous week the sun had decided to show itself, making the icy wind lessen and the temperatures more bearable. Mina has been giddy since the previous evening, having enjoyed the concert the most out of them all. She was very happy to be able to go to such a high class party, and couldn't wait to show Tae her dress. Meanwhile Mr and Mrs Kim found a coffeeshop with a nice view where they could enjoy a some cake and coffee while staying in the warm. Jinnie had already prepared their clothes for the evening in the morning, as well as a detailed hair and makeup plan. She was very excited to go to a party again, having a reason to dress up elegantly and wear her newly bought shoes.

Namjoon heard from Jungkook's dad about their busy workday despite it being the first of January. He was worried about the kids overworking themselves, but couldn't really talk about his concerns with neither his wife nor son. Despite it being almost a month since that dreadful night, their family still hasn't had time to mend their problems. And honestly speaking, he was nervous about the upcoming party, as he was afraid that an argument could occur between his children. As Y/N and Kook were still very much unaware of their visit, their reactions to the sudden appearance of the family might not be very positive.

The Jeon house was ina a mess, as a certain little boy refused to wear his button up shirt with all his might. His mother had prepared a cute little tuxedo, with a west and a button up shirt, but the child didn't feel like wearing anything except the bunny onesie he had slept in. As Y/N and Kook opened the door, the little ball of fluff almost ran them over in an attempt to escape his mother's clutches. Mr Jeon was already all dressed up, ready to leave first and great the guests that would start pulling up at the company in an hour. Patting Jungkook's shoulder with a weak smile on his face that meant 'good luck' before grabbing his coat and leaving the chaos behind him.

It took almost half an hour to persuade the little devil to wear his uncomfortable clothes, but his favourite aunt and uncle did it. It was rather easy, as one just had to figure out a way to motivate the kid. He was surprisingly cooperative when he found out that Jungkook would be wearing a similar suit, and he'd look just as cool as his uncle. After finally dressing their youngest family member, Kook's sister and her husband left with the boy, allowing the two idols to get ready in peace. Soon after their departure the entrance door burst open, revealing Areum and Jimin looking as dazzling as ever.

Areum was wearing a navy colored velvet spaghetti strap mermaid dress, matching with Kook's navy necktie. Jungkook chose a darker gray three piece tuxedo, pairing it with a white dress while leaving his long dark brown locks frame his face. Jimin was rather simply dressed in his black suit, but the hair styling made Y/N blush at the sight. He looked like a fairytale prince, and she felt the butterflies explode in her stomach. The girl was nervous and she was determined to stay be by his side all evening, to make sure nobody tries to set him up with someone else. Y/N was the last one to get ready. She reapplied the maroon lipstick before checking herself out in the mirror one last time and went to the others in the living room. If Y/N had experienced butterflies earlier at the sight of Jimin, he was experiencing airplanes. The gold dress that was hugging her body in all the right places made her look effortlessly elegant and chic.

Jimin and Areum decided to drop the bomb before they left for the party, telling the two about the surprise guests. Jungkook was very surprised to hear that Taehyung had actually come, and even went to their concert knowing how his relationship with the two is at the moment. Same goes for Y/N, who had a spark of hope for making up when she heard her twin was there. That spark though was quickly put out when they found out that it was Mina who insisted on coming, and Taehyung was in some way forced follow her. Despite finding the rest of Jinnie's birthday presents, it seems like the secret of the vase and the reason for Y/N's behaviour was not yet clear to them. The tension between the Kim family was still high, and the four hoped that they could avoid any confrontation during the party. Jimin was determined to stay by Y/N's side, not wanting to risk the girl getting hurt again.

After preparing themselves mentally too for the upcoming party, the four of them got into Jungkook's car and drove to the company where the other guests have already arrived.

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