Part 30

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Namjoon woke up to a weird text one day from his daughter, asking him if he would disown her if she got a piercing. Not having drunk his morning coffee yet he didn't think much about it, since Taehyung too had his ear pierced a few times. His coffee was almost finished when another text came with a picture attached, making him spit out his coffee and choke on air.

'Kookie and I got matching piercings! He didn't want me to feel nervous so he decided to get himself one too, and now we're twinning!'

He was sure the company didn't allow Y/N to get an ear piercing, not to mention a lip ring. The two were all smiles on the picture, seemingly overjoyed from that little piece of silver jewelry adorning both of their lower lips. For Namjoon it was something he needed to get used to, but what would he not do to see his princess happy. Deciding to keep it a secret from the rest of their family, mainly for his own life's sake, he continued his morning like nothing happened.


The relationship between the members of the Kim family was back to normal after the truth about the vase got out. Due to the rumours around Nana and JK back then, and the 24/7 surveillance they were put under by the new manager, the family didn't get to meet up. Taehyung and Jinnie talked to Y/N over the phone and said sorry, being forgiven immediately by the girl.

Since that day everything seemed to be like before the incident. The only difference was that Y/N and Kook became unavailable just like when they were in England. Their work keeping them on their feet, and no holidays to meet up with their families. Namjoon didn't get to miss the two much though, since everywhere he looked he would see their faces on billboards and advertisements.

Taehyung's relationship with Mina was still going as strong as it was in the beginning, now lasting for over two years. He tried calling Jimin and making up with him, but due to the strictly regulated period he could use a phone they had to settle their problems over texts. Jimin was glad when Y/N told him that she and Tae were okay again, so he didn't want to make too big of a fuss about forgiving his favourite alien.

Jungkook, Jimin and Y/N forgave Taehyung and Mrs Kim for their behaviour, but the pain they caused would always be remembered. The boys could only mend Y/N's heart, the cracks still being visible even after being filled and covered up. Even if it was a mere misunderstanding, and the words were just said in the spur of the moment, it would forever influence the trust of the girl in her closest ones.


December 30th was once again a big celebration in the Kim family, having Mina's parents over for dinner too. The families were close even though the year before Jinnie had had an outbreak and yelled at Mina's mother. The topic of Taehyung's sister missing out on his birthday was what made the woman snap, because she couldn't stand others talking like that about her baby.

That day Mina's parents found out that Taehyung's older sister was only his older twin, meaning that she wasn't really older than him. It also meant that both of them had their birthdays on the same day, making the parents feel bad for her having to work even on her special day. The mood quickly returned to how it was, and it didn't cause any problems between the two families.

This year too Y/N had to skip a family meal, as she was on the plane currently returning from the USA. JK and Nana had finished their US appearances with a great success, meeting up with pop stars and famous people. They would have to perform at the year end show, just like two years ago, but now as the closing act with a total of 5 songs.

Despite the lack of their own free will as they would say, the duo's popularity skyrocketed and they were sought after. Even if their creative decisions were guided to appeal to the public, the songs were still written and produced by them. They had plenty opportunity to showcase their singing and rapping, even if the dance aspects of their performances were somewhat lacking.

Instead of a birthday cake, Nana got surprised with birthday carrots...yes, carrots. A whole collection of baby carrots arranged like a birthday cake and tied together with a red ribbon. It was a funny and witty surprise from JK, and the fans who watched their live streaming also got a lot to laugh about.

Although it did seem like a prank, the actual reason for this type of cake was much more grim. The reason for giving her carrots instead of a cake was by no means entertaining to either of the idols. Their company would have prepared a cake just for show, to 'celebrate' their idol's birthday, but the two wouldn't be allowed to eat any. Because of that JK prepared this gift, something they would actually be allowed to eat without their diet being neglected.

The two planned to just spend their evening at home drinking and secretly eating cake, but practice didn't allow any rest. Their manager insisted that they already rested and slept enough on the plane, and would not have any more time to waste. It was already the last day of the year, and the two were more than ready for it to pass. The new year meant that their contact would expire soon, and even more important... Jimin would be back in a few weeks.

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