Thinking Out Loud

Start from the beginning

I felt her arms wrap around my waist, head resting on my back. "I'm sorry" she said.

I turned around to face her. Sorry for what? Did she do something?

"What are you sorry for?" I asked.

"I told my sister's friends that whatever happened this past Saturday stays between us girls... but I can't keep it a secret from you" she started before pulling her phone out, she went through a few messages before finding what she was looking for.

"Here..." she gave me her phone and I played the video.

It was loud, a lot of people screaming. She was on stage with a couple of other girls sitting on their own chair. Then 3 men came out from somewhere and stood in front of them.

"I didn't volunteer to be up there. The host picked me and my aunt and her friends pulled and pushed me up the stage" she explained as I watch the man grind on her. She looked terrified at the beginning but then she started looking comfortable, her hands all over this man's body.

I don't know how to feel about this. I feel betrayed, but she didn't actually do anything. Was I jealous? Yes, she's enjoying whatever this guy was doing to her. I'm angry that she actually let this happen and it looks like she enjoyed it too. What got me over the edge was at the end, it looks this guy licked and kissed her neck. I looked at her neck, there's nothing there. Good.

"Did you enjoy it?" I asked, tossing her phone on the bed and crossing my arms. She sat on the bed, looking at her lap, playing with her fingers.

"Did you?" I asked again.

"I... I-I didn't mean to..." she whispered, "it's... I don't know how to explain it, but it's different..."

"Is there more? Did you do anything else that I need to know?"

She nodded. She explained how the same guy came up to her their booth had a conversation with her and touch her and kiss her. What was she thinking?! Was she even thinking?!

I just stood there, not knowing what to say or do. I'm glad she told me about it rather than finding it out from someone else. But how did she let it go that far? It's not as bad compared to what I did back then, but it's close to it.


I looked at her and before I could say anything...


She looked towards the door and sighed. "That would be my aunt" she said.

"We'll talk later" I told her.

We both left the bedroom and went to the main room where her aunt was. Just like the picture she's showed me, they do resemble a little except that Mio's eyes a bit rounder than hers.

"Is this him?!" she squealed.

Mio nodded.

"Hi, I'm-"

"I know! The Ishikawa Yuki. I've heard so much about you, I'm her aunt, Fujioka Miyako, but you can call me Miya if you want." she said giving me a hug.

"He's much more handsome than the pictures" she told Mio.

"I hope you had a nice flight, I don't have much in the fridge and pantry right now, but I do have some take out" she told us as she took out the containers in the kitchen.

"Also, make yourself at home. I'm gone the majority of the day so, if you want to go ahead and watch or play something on the tv, please do. If you want to do something else with her, just don't do it in my bedroom and office" she smirked while Mio blushed.

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