Chapter 18

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Viktoriya's/ Darkling's POV

"She is alive!??" I shrieked, maintaining my balance as the wagon took a sharp turn.

"Can you stop the shrieking?" Zoya shouted from the driver's seat, her voice muffled by the thick wooden walls of the little transport able prison I was currently chained in.

"Why didn't you tell me before?" I asked.
"Because it was irrelevant and not my secret to share." she answered.
"Right. Can you at least remove these chains? I am not going to use my powers to break out and the Darkling has no access to them. "

"I don't trust anything you say when he resides in your body." she replied through gritted teeth and increased the speed.

And that was my cue to shut up. Zoya had dragged me into this wagon at dawn and chained my wrists. After continuous pleading she finally gave in and told me where we were going- Keramzin.

I still couldn't believe Alina Starkov was still alive and had lost her powers. To be honest, I should be used to surprises bursting in my face like crackers..........

We shall be free soon rebe. His cold voice snaked into my mind, clouding it.

Looking forward to it.

Though you must admit you enjoy having this surplus power. He purred.

I don't! I just want you gone from my body.

Consequently you can be with the boy king? No thank you. The Darkling chuckled sarcastically.

I really wish I had the power to slap someone mentally, I wanted to say. Instead I asked him. Why do you even care?

He and the tracker had stolen Alina from me. I am not going to let him take my daughter away! He said sternly.

There is absolutely no point in arguing with someone who doesn't know their boundaries. I sighed.

The rest of the trip was silent as growing anticipation took root in my mind.

The click of chains rang through the deserted courtyard as Zoya pulled me to the front door.

It was a manor, not very grand with scribbles on the walls and worn paint. Yet beautiful in it's domestic simplicity and welcoming atmosphere. It seemed like the kind of place a down to earth - widely believed dead saint would live.

An agitated energy buzzed in my mind.

The door opened with a creak to reveal a handsome man in his twenties with bright blue eyes. He had brown hair and a light stubble coating his jaw. He smiled when he saw Zoya.

"Welcome, Alina will meet you inside."

Tracker. The Darkling hissed in my mind.

Ah so this was her lover.

Alina Starkov was wearing a plain mauve shawl over a white dress. Her white hair was spread around her thin face, creating a saintly halo. She looked human, pretty contrasting from the powerful aura she said to have had.

Though she looked healthy, her warm brown eyes seemed to carry the weight of the world. Her mouth tightened when she saw me then lifted into a small smile.

"You found her." She said in a calm voice.

Zoya actually hugged the sun saint as she rose from her seat to receive us. It was all very touching. I noticed the Darkling was silent.

Malyen motioned for me to take the seat opposite to Alina's as he sat down beside her.

Zoya sat beside me. "Where are the children?", she inquired.

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