Chapter 14

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(Don't mind me.....*currently drooling over the fanart.)

Viktoriya's POV

"Your little love story is touching, but can we please acknowledge the dragon in the room?", the dragon said, it's voice deep and ancient.

Did he just talk?! Nikolai and I stared at the majestic dragon, his scales gleaming in the twilight. I was completely dumbfounded, unable to comprehend whatever happened a few minutes back.

Nikolai cocked his head, contemplating something, "Sankt Juris?!" The dragons curled his mouth, sharp teeth forming a somewhat delighted smile, "I always knew you were smart, boy king." Now we were meeting dead saints who could turn into dragons, just great. If someone had told me a week ago that my life would be so enthralling, I would have punched them.

"But you died....a martyr! How could this be?", Yuri asked, falling to his knees dramatically. I had almost forgotten he was there too.

"I am not the only one who is cursed with this immortality. We were trapped here when the fold was created. Come with me, I suppose we have things to discuss." Juris lowered himself to the ground so that we could climb onto his back. Nikolai went first and offered me a hand.

"Are we just going to believe him?", I asked, not buying his little story.

"We really need to start searching for answers about the blight and the obsibaya, which includes trusting undead saints.", he replied keeping his hand outstretched.

"Don't tell me when you get assassinated.", I muttered and climbed the scaly back, ignoring Nikolai's hand, even though my wound hurt.

Yuri followed, slightly hesitant. At least someone had brains. The dragon took off, huge wings beating in the dimly lit sky. The air was chilly and I hitched my cloak closer, simultaneously trying not to fall off. I looked down at the monotonous landscape of white sand dunes, trying to picture the Darkling and Alina fighting. So many unnecessary deaths.

Suddenly, the dragon swooped down making me jolt from my thoughts and shriek as my stomach drifted into my throat. I shut my eyes tightly and grabbed Nikolai, pressing my face into his shoulder.I mentally crossed flying off the list of things I wanted to try, certainly not my cup of tea. We landed with a thud in front of a huge stone castle, covered with thick vines and crumbling in my places. It was completely dark and empty.

We got off Juris' back who apologized for the flight, saying he needed some practice in carrying passengers. Yuri immediately scurried behind a sand dune to vomit his guts out. Couldn't blame him.

Nikolai gave me an amused smile, his golden hair wind blown and messy. It tugged at my heart. Geez when did I get so hopeless?
Two forms appeared at the corner of my eyes and I subtly stood before Nikolai.

It was a woman with bright blonde hair and a dress made up of blood red roses. A man followed her- or was it a bear? No wait, a three headed bear!? He constantly changed form, as if trying to make up his mind.

I recognized them from the book- Istorii Sankt'ya. It was sankta Lizabeta of the roses and sankt Grigori of the wood. I have never believed in the saints and their gruesome martyrdoms, but this was something else. Sankta Lizabeta looked exactly like her statue carved behind the sun summoner's grave, with bees buzzing around her and flowers blooming as she extended a hand towards me.

"Elizaveta. You must be Viktoriya.", she said. How do people even know my name before I have the chance to tell them?

I shook her hand and she immediately pulled away, cradling it as if I had burned her. I narrowed my eyes , but she turned to Yuri who had come back and then Nikolai. Her face broke into a cheshire grin and uncertainty blossomed in my mind. I didn't trust her.

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