Chapter 7

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Ravka: Somewhere safe from civilisation

Viktoriya's POV

"How much more time?", I asked, groaning as I tried to stretch my numb legs in the confined space of a tiny carriage. Zoya was driving the old thing like a maniac and now I couldn't feel my body. She was literally riding on the wind and I hoped this wasn't some coup against me.

"Have some patience.",came her reply.

As soon as we had come out to the royal gardens, Zoya had taken me aside and stuffed me into this carriage, though I certainly would not call it that. Apparently we were going to some place deserted so, I don't accidently kill someone during my training and she would not be seen training the Darkling's daughter. Now that I think of it, he doesn't really have a name so...... I'm just Viktoriya. I wonder what my mother thought of him. 

The carriage soon came to a stop, the wheels squelching in the mud and the door opened with a creak. "Royalty should really have better carriages.", I said, almost jumping out and landing on top of Zoya.

"We are trying to be discreet.", she said stepping back.

I opened my mouth for a retort, but she said,"Enough babbling,we'll start with ten laps around this ground. "

'This ground', was a large, cleared area full of wet mud and surrounded by tall poplar trees. We were in a forest and it seemed like it had been raining. Fortunately, I was in good shape,the streets of Ketterdam were atleast good for some thing and started my laps though I didn't now how this would help me control my shadows. 

I must admit, running in sticky mud was not my description of a day well spent, especially when it covered half my leg and butt after ten laps. My hair was spiling out of the hasty knot I had tied on my head and was sticking in an unflatterring way to my sweaty cheeks. But the lush greenery of the forest, the scent of rain and fresh earth, occassional chirping of the birds was a drastic change from the smelly, crowded streets of Ketterdam and I was really starting to like it here.

"Since you were a thief and an assassin, I'm assuming you know how to defend yourself and use weapons?" , Zoya said, snapping me from my thoughts.

"You saw me with Tamar, of course I can." 

Out of nowhere she raised a hand, and aimed straight at my face. I dodged and kicked at her knee, but she spun around and caught my arm. Twisting it behind my back, she pulled me towards her and a flare of pain burned at my shoulder. I had been in this position a couple of times and I knew how to break out of it. Hooking my leg in her ankle, I broke her stance and flipped her easily on the muddy ground. 

"You'll survive.", she said, getting up covered in mud.

I smirked, "Is that a compliment?"

She glared at me that said, 'Don't try me.'

"Okay, so we can get directly to the training part. Now, try to summon the shadows."

"I told you I couldn't-"

"TRY!", she shouted.

Geez, this woman. I sighed and concentrated on the buzz of adrenaline and the sense of sureity that usually came everytime I summoned. Nothing. I thought about about the grisha held prisoners in Fjerda , the state they were kept in and the results of parem, Jarl Brum and his druskelle, Matthias's death, Nina's cries and the khergud and lastly, my little sister. A spark of anger burned inside me. I thought about the way she was tied to that chair, her screams, the sickening thud of the knife and blood. So much blood. I could feel the darkness singing in my veins now. I smiled. 

Suddenly a branch hit me right in the face. My focus snapped and the shadows receded. Opening my eyes, I scowled at the blue-eyed squaller in front of me who had her hands raised.

"What was that for!?"

"You should be learning to control your power while running or possiblly fighting enemies. They would not be waiting for 10 minutes and let you have a grip on yourself. You would have been dead by now."

I got the point, but she needn't be so harsh. I kept my eyes open this time. Okay, focus, anger and imminent death.


After what felt like an eternity, my face was covered in scratches due to the pointy twigs and branches Zoya had been throwing at it. I had dodged some of them at the beginning , but then I started concentrating too much on summoning and wham! It hits my face. This was too overwhelming and I had failed to summon more than a wisp of shadow in freaking 4 hours!

I was pretty sure Zoya was enjoying hurting me.

"What are you so scared of?!", she shouted again.

"You permanently damaging my face!"

"Get over it."

This continued for a couple of minutes untill she grabbed my elbow, leading me to a rock and motioned for me to sit down. Saying a break sounded good would be an understatement.

She sat beside me, careful not to touch and dropped her head into her hands.

"You wouldn't understand, but this is a difficult time for all of us.", she started. Alright, time for a heart to heart.

"The number of grisha have reduced since the civil war and now it's even worse becuase of parem. I don't expect you to sympathise and I know you think I'm harsh because of the Darkling, but it goes deeper than that. I loved him, I worshipped him like so many others and I was his favourite pupil."

I was absoloutely surprised. I never thought she would  speak of him.

"He always said everything he did was for Ravka, maybe it was in the long run, but his selfishness and greed always came first. Like so many foolish worshippers I believed him and it destroyed me. I promised myself that I would never live off someone else's ideologies and perspectives and never feel helpless again."

"I'm sure you have come a long way from that. You're a general and a part of the Triumvirate, one of the most powerful grisha in the world and a beacon of hope. Although sometimes you're annoying. But you can't change who you are.", I tried to reason.

She laughed, an actual laugh, "I know all this Viktoriya, but you see...", the mood was sombre again,"I'm still here, throwing Ravka in his daughter's hand. This beautiful, broken country and the life of her sole leader in the shadows again."

Nikolai's life in my hands? "What do you mean?"

"Merzost. The darkling used merzost and turned him into a nichevo'ya. After his death, Nikolai was fine, but it has started again. He changes every night into a monster and this has to stop. We are hoping you could cure him before next week's ball where all the important delegates of all the countries are bringing their daughters to seek his hand in marriage. It's time for Ravka to have a queen.   "

Oh Saints! I didn't know how to absorb this. " No pressure i guess."

"Also, there is another ball this weekend where you will be introduced to Ravkan nobles and advisors. So, you see, we have no time and you need to learn to control your summoning."

"WHAT! That's a horrible and I mean absoloutely horrible idea!!", I shrieked.

"You have no choice and the Fjerdans need to start fearing us."

"So you're just going to throw me at the mercy of the people?! They hate the Darkling! They will hate me and try to kill me. Are you insane?"

"Not me, but Nikolai certainly is. We will protect you, no harm shall be done."

"I know, you're just going to wave me around like a tamed PET!"

"You will give a speech about your dedication to Ravka.", she continued,ignoring my outburst.

"I will not be 'presented ' to your stupid people like some prized goat."

Zoya was angry now, "This was according to the terms-"

She was interrupted by a loud neighing as a beautiful white horse skidded to a stop near our carriage. Tamar jumped down and ran towards us, out of breath.

"You need to come, it's urgent! King's orders. Something's happened.", she said.

We wasted no time in getting into that torture carriage again. This conversation had to wait.

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