Chapter 6

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Ravka: The Grand Palace

Nikolai's POV

There was something holding me back, restraining me from the freedom a leap ahead. An inhumnan sound erupted from my throat. I am the monster and the monster is me.

I registered the fabrikator made windows getting shattered and the feel of the crisp night air on my wings. My veins pounded with adrenaline and shadows curled from my mouth. The monster was hungry.
No, not another life. I couldn't let it claim another innocent life.

It raised it's nose in the air, letting the cool night air carry the sweet scent of warm blood to it's senses. There were a lot of humans nearby, but a certain scent stood out.

The person carried the same dark ancient blood of my attacker. Her shadows flowed through my veins and changed me into this feral form at night. She also smelt quite delicious. I must have my revenge.

No! Not her.

Nevertheless it's will was stronger, fueled by anger and hunger and I succumbed.

"Is she hurt?", someone asked beside me.

" No, I stopped him before he got too close.",someone replied from directly above me.

My entire body felt like it was on fire. My mouth was dry and it took tremendous effort to crack open my eyes. I immediately squinted at the sunlight pouring through the broken window in my room.

Zoya's face was hovering above mine, her eyebrows drawn in worry. She reached out and touched my forehead with the back of her hand and smiled.
"How are you feeling?"

I peeled my tongue from the roof of my mouth and coughed, testing my voice, "Like I'm on fire." It was too raspy.

The other person was Genya, who helped me sit up and handed me a glass of water. It tasted like nectar, I drank greedily.

"Well, you broke some bones last night so, that must be the medication.", Zoya said, indicating my body.

"Bones weren't the only thing broken last night." ,Genya said, plopping herself down on a plush velvet chair and pointing to two thick, broken chains attached to my bed.

I sighed. They weren't supposed to break, they were fabrikator made. Well, neither was the window then.

"Did anyone see me?"

"I don't think so, it was too dark and I blasted you away from the palace."

"Any casualties?", I asked, shame creeping into my voice.

"No humans, but you did destroy a farm. Actually, we destroyed a farm and you killed some geese.", Zoya said, looking concerned.

I let out a breath I hadn't realised I had been holding.

"The monster's getting stronger."

"You think I don't know that?", I said, running a hand through my already messed up hair. The black veins looked more threatening than usual as they snaked up my palm.

The Civil War had left it's scars and the people depended on me. Me, the person they should be running from. Maybe I wasn't fit to be king, at least not in this state where I was torn between helping and eating my own subjects. I let out a humourless laugh.

"You also tried to kill our guest.", Genya said. Zoya glared at her.

" I know, I surprisingly remember that part. Does she know about this too?"

"No, I stopped you before you reached her.", Zoya said.

I was grateful for my general. I couldn't face the humiliation of seeing fear in Viktoriya's eyes or even worse, guilt.
She already had to endure the judging eyes of the servants and gaurds who thought she was my mistress and the cold glares of Zoya Nazyalensky and less pronounced judgement of the others who knew about her and thought she would assassinate me and take over the throne.

This wasn't her fault, though she was the only one who could probably reverse it and killing her would feel like cutting my own nose to spite myself. I honestly didn't know why I trusted her so much, we had only spoken twice and she avoided me as much as possible.

I had put too much faith in the Darkling's daughter to free me from the monster and reverse the antics of her father. Was I expecting too much?

"You don't worry about her. I'll take care of her training and preparing her for the ball with Genya's help. Concentrate on the Fjerdans.",Zoya said, noting my concern.

"Please be civil, she's the only one we've got."

"Really?! She gets on my nerves with those remarks and-",she started.
"Okay fine I'll try.",she concluded when I raised a brow.

"Thank you. We don't have much time."

Viktoriya's POV

I really was nothing like my father. He was described to be and I qoute, 'Haughty and malignant with a certain charm and disposition that attracted followers and demanded in them a sense of foreboding which urged their loyalty towards him.'

He was a beautiful man , but alas the inner malice did not reflect the beauty from outside. His were the eyes I used to see in my nightmare, like the incoming storm and I could still hear that cool,stern voice that brought goosebumps on my arms.

I was thumbing through my father's journal which was given to me by Genya last evening, when there was a knock on my door. Before I could even ask them to come in, it slammed open and in strode Zoya.


"I assume Genya has already told you about the Darkling?",she said, skipping our usual bantering.

"Yes, she gave me some books about him and his journal too."


Genya had dragged me to the library after my meeting with the king and shoved some restricted books into my arms. 

"These are almost on point and some contain the Darkling's own accounts." Then she removed a black, leather bound book from her kefta and hesitated. 

"Do you know about Morozova's amplifiers?" 

"He used them on the Sun Summoner right?", I said. She nodded.

"This is the diary of Ilya Morozova, David found it. It was also the Darkling's journal with detailed accounts. I don't know if I am supposed to give this to you, but I want you to read this and get to know him better. "

I nodded and started to reach for the book when she pulled it back,"Don't get any ideas and don't ruin the books." 

I chuckled and snatched it,"Please, I'm a book worshipper."

"Then I already like you."

(end of flashback)

"She gave you Ilya Morozova's diary?", Zoya asked, scrunching her nose in distaste.


I expected her to lash out and scream at me and Genya, but she didn't. I saw her take a deep breath from the corner of my eyes and resisted the urge to smile at her restraint.

"If she trusts you then I do too. Now get up and come with me, we're going to train."

I followed her out the doors, surprisingly excited at the prospect of learning to control my shadows. I had despised them after my sister's death, but helping right my father's wrong-doings brought about a new found determination in me.


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Also all fantasy lovers do check out 'The Lineage' by ThreeBookyworms.....It's amazing ;)))))

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