"It's the queen's granddaughter."

"The daughter of the cursed princess."

The three servants were confused at how the people around them treat their precious guest rudely while Sebastian quietly studies how she seemed distant to the queen but the old royal seemed kind to her. While they were having a conversation, she seemed like she wanted to be somewhere else and she turned to look at the place where Ciel was. 

Her bright blue eyes were locked into the butler's captivating red orbs.  


"Dammit! They spoiled my plans!" 

"Cheer up, there's always next time."

In the dead end of a small alley, West was sitting down the dirty ground with Meena, the prince's previous servant who escaped India and her old life. 

"Yes, yes, there's always next time." Lau's appearance surprised the two, "The Earl said there's no point in going after the small fries but someone who tries something once will try it again, right? "

The two were frozen in fear, seeing a woman approaching Lau behind, carrying a huge weapon called chui. 

"I've got to exterminate the bad rats infesting my city, don't I? So I keep a cat." With his words, Ran Mao dropped one of the weapon, intimidating the two as it destroyed the ground. 

"Meow." But someone said from above. 

Not even the Chinese was aware that a woman with her white hair down was sitting on top of the wall and in her hand was her unique umbrella. "Lady Agatha?"

She pulled the handle of the umbrella, and it showed that there was a hidden rapier blade. With her posture and indifferent face, West and Meena felt as if they are looking at Death.

Agatha leaped down the wall and struck her blade to West's skull, then smoothly pulled the blade out and pierce Meena's eyes with the blade upward to damage the brain. It only happened in seconds but Lau was surprised that she looked completely different from her soft attitude. 

"Consider this as my payment for the earl's orders. This is only possible since I am not in a great mood." Agatha's eyes were no longer warm. They were sharp and as if they were stars that shines in the dark alley while stealing a handkerchief inside West's pocket and wiped the thin blade clean.

Ran Mao put her guard on but Lau raised his hand to indicate his partner to stop, even he could feel that Agatha has hidden her abilities to people who doesn't have to know and those who knew they treasure their life, he raised his hands in the air and assumed his carefree tone, "I did not even realize we have someone hiding her claws."

He did ask his men to have her background checked but whoever he sent in his best men, none of them returned from Germany. Lau thought it was only her servants in Germany who are capable of violence but she is just like them, someone with a talent for murder.

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