Chapter 3: The Dress

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Soreen went to her room exhausted, then she lay in her bed and went to sleep immediately. In her dream she saw a young boy. His face wasn't that clear, Soreen tried to look harder and saw he had spiky brown hair, wearing white shirt and red shorts.
"Who are you?" She asked and tried to focus on his face.
"How come you forget about me... Oh well, my name is....."
Then Soreen woke up from knocking on the door, "Soreen wake up, you are late for training!" Aqua said, raising her voice so Soreen can hear her.
Soreen looked at the window and saw it was the afternoon, "It is the afternoon. The training starts in the morning...... No no no no I'm late!!!" Soreen screamed, then she got up and opened the door and ran to the training room, "Let's go now Aqua!!"
Four days have passed and Soreen gets better at using the keyblade and she still refuses to go with Ventus and the others after training with Master Eraqus.
On the night of the fourth day. Soreen looked up to the sky before she had her fight with Vanitas. She felt that one of the stars was close to her, "What is this strange feeling that I'm having?....... No, no, focus, focus, today is the day I will defeat Vanitas," she thought strongly as she closed the window.
Soreen went to the training room. She opened the door, then she saw Vanitas came very fast and attacked her. She immediately summoned her keyblade and defended herself, Vanitas almost knocked her down. Then she resists his attack and he backs off from her.
Vanitas looked at Soreen, "I will defeat you now and you will join the darkness!" He said with intimidation.
"I will never go into the darkness," Soreen said strongly.
Soreen ran to Vanitas then started to attack him. Vanitas started back off from Soreen attacks.
"Something is bugging me, he is not fighting back," she thought. Then she stopped and backed off two steps, "What is wrong, you're holding back!" She said with anger.
Suddenly the two of them ran to each other and clashed with their keyblades.
"Give up and give your heart to the darkness," Vanitas said.
"I will never give up," Soreen said loudly.
Soreen's keyblade crossed Vanita's body which led to him disappearing, "Where did he go?" She asked with confusion.
"To the darkness, come with me to the darkness." Vanitas said in Soreen's head.
"No! I will never go, my heart is strong and full of light!" Soreen said loudly.
Then Soreen felt somebody tapping her on her shoulder, she turned around and saw Master Xehanort smiling, "Well done, you can go to your timeline now."
"Wh ... what ...  But what happened to Vanitas? Did I defeat him?" Soreen asked worriedly.
"Yes, you did, you defeated him and now you can go back to your timeline," Master Xehanort said.
"No," Soreen said expressively, "I'm sorry, I mean, I want to say goodbye to my friend," then she said sadly.
"Okay you are leaving tomorrow night," Master Xehanort said.
"Thank you Master!" Soreen said, filled with joy.
When Soreen went to her room she thought, "Was Master Xehanort nice to me a minute ago!?... Will that's weird, he never smiled or was nice to anybody... I must be exhausted, I really need some rest."
Soreen lay in her bed and fell asleep immediately. In her dream, she saw the same boy. He has blue eyes and a sweet smile, "Can you tell me your name before I wake up?" She asked very fast.
The boy giggled a little bit, "Fine I'll tell you, my name is Sora, do not forget it s..."
Then Soreen awakened, "Sora, I will not forget it and there's something else he wants to say. It starts with an S, that could be my name? No it can be my name, I never seen him before? But what if it was my name? Then how did he know my name? Aaaaaah ... My head hurts, there's so many questions?" She was questioning herself.
Then Soreen looked out the window and opened it and saw the night sky. Then she looked down and saw somebody walking, "Is that Terra, where is he going?"

To be continued

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