Chapter 20: It's All Confusing part 1

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Next thing I knew I saw myself surrounded by Heartless, Sora, Donald, and Goofy, excitedly saying, "Master Yen Sid!"
"He's the only one who came to the rescue," I smiled, summoning my keyplate.
Then Master Yen Sid cast a spell and cleared the way, "Go, my young champions. I will hold them all here for as long as I can."
"We're not going to leave you behind!" King Mickey worried.
"Don't worry I'll stay with the Master. You guys need to continue your journey," I said, giving Sora a thumbs up.
Donald and Goofy nodded to each other then Donald said, "You guys go on!"
"We will stay here. The three of us will back up Master Yen Sid and princess Soreen," Goofy said.
"Donald….. Goofy…. Soreen," Sora said.
"You're a whole pint by yourself, Sora," Donald said.
"Don't worry. We'll catch up with ya in just a bit!" Goofy said.
Sora looked at all of us, "Okay!"
"We'll regroup later," King Mickey said.
The Heartless tried to break through then Master Yen Sid used his magic to get the Heartless back away, "Make haste!"
Everyone nodded and started running to the ather saeed, as they were running I said loudly, "Bring the others back!" Then the path closed.
Heartless came all around using my key plate to defend myself, Goofy using his shield attacking them, Master Yen Sid and Donald using magic, defeating a large amount of Heartless. Suddenly, we felt the ground shaking. "What's going on," Donald faults the ground.
"It's an earthquake," Goofy replied.
A voice of whispers appeared in my head, "Len please come back." I stand not doing and I think. Suddenly, I felt light go behind my back.
"You need to be more careful, my young champion," Master Yen Sid rescued me.
"Master, I felt like somebody's calling for me, I should go."
Donald got up, "Then you should go."
"I Yeah, don't worry about us. We can handle things from here," Goofy set, smiling.
"Thanks, you guys."
The Master used magic on his head and cleared a path for me to go, "Go my young champion."
I went through without looking back. Having a bad feeling about what comes ahead. As I was running, I saw huge walls blocking my path. "This is not good." Then I saw an opening. I went through it walking left and right until I saw Aqua fighting Terra-Xehanort and Ven logged on the ground and Vanitas was about to finish him. Aqua was going to protect Ven but Terra-Xehanort stopped her. I saw all of this in front of me and without any thought I ran and stood in front of Vanitas.
"So Digory did not finish the job?" Vanitas said smiling.
"You know Digory?" I was surprised.
"Know him? He's the one that told me to finish you off, when we first met," Vanitas said laughing then he continued, "You know you don't belong here right?"
"Of course she belongs. She's our friend," Ven said standing up.
"Oh I guess you don't tell them," Vanitas said.
"There is nothing to tell because what you're saying is only lies," I said with frustration and went to attack him.
He's blocking my attacks saying, "So you are in a state of denial," Vanitas said, smiling wickedly.
"I am not! You're from the darkness and I am here with my friends to finish off," I said frustrated.
"Well it doesn't matter what you think, after I defeat you I'll be stronger and defeat anyone who stands in my way," he raises his keyblade and attacks me, making me back away.
Suddenly Sora came, "Aqua! Ven! Soreen?" Sora said as he ran.
"Sora," Aqua and Ven said.
"Soreen what are you doing here? I thought you were with Donald and Goofy helping Master Yen Sid?" Sora was confused.
"She came here to help," Ven said, summoning his keyblade.
I looked at Sora and I thought reassurance came to me, I stopped looking at Vanitas, "I'm not the one who is supposed to fight you right now, maybe we'll never fight with each other. But I want to say thank you for giving me the push that I need to become stronger."
"What," Vanitas was shocked.
"Sora help Ven, I'm going with Aqua," then I went to Aqua.
Sora took my place and started helping Ven and I was in front of Terra-Xehanort with Aqua. "So do you accept my help?" I said ready to fight.
"All the time," Aqua replied.
"You are not going anywhere," Vanitas was ready to attack me then Sora blocked his tack, "You're facing us now," Ven went beside him and was ready to fight.
We started the fight, it was intense, and after a little while, I felt Terra was inside,"Terra! I know you are inside, you need to fight too, don't give up."
"Your calls are meaningless, he's long gone," Terra-Xehanort with a wicked smile.
"No he's still in there and…" I was talking then Terra-Xehanort cut me off, "Even if he is still in there, although I still doubt it. How do you think he will remember you?"
I stopped realizing what I had done. My keyblade disappeared, "Your right, when we defeat you and come back, he will not remember me."
Terra-Xehanort raised his keyblade in front of me then Aqua came in front of me and blocked his attack, "Snap out of it Soreen, even if Terra doesn't remember you. We all will work together to make him remember."
"But what if…" I was shaking, but then Aqua cut me off, "Even if it takes days, weeks or even months. Terra will remember you. Because he's your friend! But first we need to work together to get Xehanort out of him."
I summoned my keyblade ready to fight, "You're right, we'll get Terra back and no matter what you will remember me."
Then Soran and Ven joined us, "Miss us," Sora said smiling, ready for battle.
"I hope that we don't take too long," Ven said, ready for battle.
"No at all, let's prank Terra back," I said with termination.

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