59. How It's Supposed To Go

Start from the beginning

I'm wearing a creme longsleeve printed top and now that it's getting more chilly out, I have a jean jacket tied around my waist, color perfectly matching my jeans and I have ankle boots the same color as my shirt waiting by the door for me. "Yeah that's actually what I'm doing right now. Dakota's Etsy shop has taken off and so she this a printer." I gesture. "She designed these flyers for me since she has the artistic eye, but earlier she DID say anything she can do to help with the studio just to let her know..so yeah." I chuckle. "Anyway, what's up?"

"I was just wondering if I could chill. But you look busy."

"I'm printing flyers like this is 2005 so people can take this piece off and call the studio for more info.. oh and by the way I changed my number. My old number is for the studio now because my stupid mother gave a rough draft of my business card to reporters and the number to test out the font was this one." I roll my eyes.

"Yikes. I mean at least she was trying to help..."

"Yeah but now they keep calling my personal number. I didn't want to have to change it but I guess now it's my business number." I hold up my new phone. "But now Rosa has my old phone when I'm busy so she can answer calls."

"You really have an assistant. Wow." She snorts as if on cue Rosa gets another phone call.

"Well anyway if you're here to hangout then you could help me put flyers all over the place." I grab the stack that just came out and pile them 5 at a time to cut the tear off tabs. 

"Alright, sure. I just need someone to talk to."

I put down the scissors I was about to use. Keila? Asking for help? Damn.


"It's just.." she looks around and lowers her voice. "Boy issues.."

"Ahh. Tyler?"

She looks down at her feet. "Yeah.."

I chew on my lip for a second. "Yeah I'm not sure how to help you here." I resume snipping. 

"Has he said something to you?" She frowns. "Because I'm really confused."

"Here let's talk as we go.." I gather up all the supplies and follow her down the stairs. "Thanks Rosa I'll see you later." I wave as we leave.

We make our way to the car and click our seatbelts in before I turn to her. "Tell me what's happening."


I feel like I'm going crazy. I haven't ever gone more then a couple days without talking to him since high school and it's making me want to cry. Is what I want to say, instead I put on a tough face and shrug. "He just hasn't talked to me..in like, a long time."

She frowns as she turns the car on and backs out. "Okay what happened before the silent treatment?"

"Nothing really..like I don't know JT got jumped and then when a bunch of the guys went to the auction we had a bit of a party and maybe something happened while we were drunk but I can't remember."

She sucks air in through her teeth. "Hmm."

"What? Oh shit what did I do?" I gape at her, trying to rack my brain. I know I drank too much, that's for sure.

"I can't tell you that..but it was a big deal to him because he called me almost immediately and made sure your brother wasn't nearby before he told me." Her eyes go wide as she shakes her head and pulls into a parking space at the gas station.

I grab a flyer as she grabs one and her stapler.

"Man. I wish I knew what happened..did I sleep with him?" I cringe as I say it. I can't believe I'm such an idiot. The last thing I want to do is hurt Tyler.

She snorts. "Babe I love you but sometimes I wanna slap you. Here staple this onto the board." She gestures. I do as I'm told.

We do the next few places silently as I rack my brain trying to remember something, anything from that night.

"Okay. Listen up. I'm not going to tell you what happened because that should honestly come from him, and we both know it. So idk what to tell you about the situation right now but babe you need to sit him down and have a real conversation."


"No. I know what you're going to say and I don't care." She starts to get sassy and I look out the window, staying silent.

"Because yeah I know. He and I are friends. You and I are friends. But I'm not going to get in the middle of this. He was the first Hawk I actually liked and he made me feel seen and like I had a friend in this new place when I was going through shit and I'm not gonna compromise that. Listen.. you know I love you, I know how you feel and it's weird to be vulnerable when you're a badass but that's life. You bring so much to our friend group and when I hangout with you I usually am dying of laughter the whole time and one day hopefully we'll be sisters because I don't intend to let your brother go." She huffs.

I feel my smile grow. This bitch.

"But listen to me. You can be crappy sometimes."

My smile fades.

She bites her lip. "And I'm not trying to be a bitch here sorry for going off on you but you keep hurting him and whether you realize it or not it's the truth. I love you, but I love him too and this isn't helping anything. Just tell him the truth. Everything you need to say just say now because honestly this stupid thing you do where you just hide how you feel because you don't want to get hurt then you just sleep with other guys or whatever..." She sighs and pulls into another parking spot. I look at my hands in my lap. I know she's right but we're never gonna be able to work out the way i want us to work out.

"Like he knows about it, every time it breaks his heart over again. I don't believe you're honestly dumb eneough to think that he isn't completely in love with you. And you can't tell me you don't feel the same because I know you. No matter the friendship I have with him or with you; the friendship you two have is better." She taps her hand on the wheel.

"I'm just scared." I admit. "Obviously I love him. I can't remember not loving him, but there's so many things against us...like what if this ruins our friendship and what about JT and like..." I blow out a breath.

"Girl.." She leans over and hugs me. "Everything will work out the way it's supposed to."

I know she's right, I'm just praying we're supposed to be together.

"Anyway!" She huffs. "We'll talk about this later..there's definitely paps in those bushes." She gestures as she puts the car into reverse.

"Wait seriously?" I look over where she was pointing and see the bushes rustle and a figure step out. "Oh my goodness that's wild." The guy starts flashing pictures of us, knowing he was spotted as he speed walks towards a car nearby us. I cover my face. "What do we do?"

Kasey ties her hair up into a bun with a smirk. "We escape."

"We-" The car charges forward and squeals out of the parking lot. I burst out laughing. "Go Kasey!" I cheer as we speed away.

Way to go, JT. I chuckle to myself. You picked a good one. 


Thanks for reading! 

If you've been following along on my book's instagram,

@ heingirl_mkop       (seriously go follow it!)

you'll know that we're down to the last about 10 chapters and I could not be more excited! 

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all my love, 


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