chapter 5.

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What the heck?

He really wants to do this huh?

He looked at me smirking.

He came closer to the bed to pick me up.

"Ooohhh no no no no, wait." I said quickly backing away and showing my hand for him to stop.

"Can't you call someone else to do that?" I asked him confused.

"No." He simply said and again came to pick me up.

"You know you can just call someone else to help me bath. You don't have to do that." I said again backing off and almost near the other side of the bed.

Well, this man here said that he is gonna bath me up since my legs are injured.

My legs aren't injured they are fucking burned fucking scary bitch!!!

I said mentally to myself making sure that I don't say it out loud.

And also by bathing he means I have to strip in front of him. I have to not have any piece of cloth on my body, I have to fucking be naked in front of him.

I know you got that at first statements but you don't understand this is a serious matter for me.

He started coming to the other side of the bed.

"Oh maxim no no n----"

"Shut your fucking mouth if you don't want me to staple it dorogoy." I closed my mouth without wasting any second and he picked me up bridal style.

We both came inside the bathroom that is lemme tell you so fucking beautiful and big that I wanna settle here.

I know it sounds very weird but whatever.

I really wonder who keeps this bathroom so clean and tidy.

There was a chair already placed under the shower.

He sat me down in that chair and rested my back carefully.

He knelt down to my leg and stared taking off the plaster.

He first was like so fast at doing it and I hissed in pain after that I was surprised by the way he was taking things off making sure it doesn't hurts.

I looked at him examining his facial features. He looks so fucking good from close man.

I mean woww. Everything about him and his body screams "I'M BEAUTIFUL BITCH."

Oh my god such a beautiful man in front of me goddd!!!!

"Thankyou dorogoy." I came out of my admiration trip when I heard his deep voice.

He looked up at me with a smirk on his face that made me feel something down there.

"Thankyou for what?" I asked him confused why did he said thankyou to me out of nowhere.

"You said I'm beautiful that's why." I gasped loudly covering my mouth.

Why is it that he always reads my mind out loud?

I need to stop thinking so loudly.

He took out my bandage slowly and there I saw my toes for the first time after he burnt it.

Whenever I tried to take the bandage off he stopped me by looking at me intensely.

He would always change my bandage whenever I'm sleeping.

And about bathing a female middle aged maid would help me out along with some other maids. And while taking off my plaster they would always tie a cloth on my eyes so that I can't see it.

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