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💀warning: torture=blood💀

somewhere in the outskirts of a pack

somewhere in the outskirts of a pack

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(baby cries)

nix: shut up! shut up! shut up! (swatting the bed beside the crying newborn) damn you tryin to make my ears fall out!

(baby continues to cry reaching out)

nix: dont you worry princess... ill be your new daddy from now on... then by the time you hit puberty, youll gonna be my mate and bloodbank.. damn! im so smart!!! (smirked at himself) BEAT THAT UNCLE! (dancing in circles) now... how the hell can i make you shut your freakin mouth (touched his purplish mouth in wonder) hmmm... maybe this would help (reached for the big pillow)

 maybe this would help (reached for the big pillow)

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human form

- the stupid bastard, didnt use any vehicle... hes near... i know hes a he... i could smell his arousal from too much excitement... ew... and my scent from my daughter... i followed her scent as i caught it from the outside... i presume she was smuggled out from the hospital through a window after she was cleaned and was enroute to the nursery... theres someone helping him from the inside..

(walking through the the thicket some miles south of the hospital where he gave birth)

- just wait for me, youll have 2 mothers to help you see your maker!


-hes near

(walked through a secluded path)

(a rundown cabin of sort can be seen far ahead covered in moss and wet from storm)

(a rundown cabin of sort can be seen far ahead covered in moss and wet from storm)

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(gulfs eyes glowed as his wolf descends the path towards the cabin)



voice inside the cabin: is that you my dear doctor?

gulf: (muffled) yes

nix: hello my (looked up to see gulf's glowing eyes) who're you?

gulf: your playmate (grasps his neck in a tight grip) (entered the chilled cabin and saw the only decent furniture inside - bed and heard a muffled cry under the heavy discolored pillow) shit! (ran to it and swat away the pillow and found his daug...

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gulf: your playmate (grasps his neck in a tight grip) (entered the chilled cabin and saw the only decent furniture inside - bed and heard a muffled cry under the heavy discolored pillow) shit! (ran to it and swat away the pillow and found his daughter crying her heart out with nix still in his grasps like a rag)

nix: get off her!! (gurgling on his own saliva) shes mine!!! (tapped gulf hand)

gulf: hush love... mommys here... (caressed his daughter face lovingly and tap tapped her stomach to appease her and let her smell him through his wrist) (he then touched her forehead on his and the seal of bond attached to her permanently as gulfs eyes glowed)

-babe... i got her...

-where are you?

-cabin south of the hospital. he got an accomplice there at the hospital

-yeah, we got him... hes one of the doctors who assisted on your operation... we saw him handing a bundle of cloth outside a window... the camera angle prevents us knowing to whom he handed it to... wait for me... i want to shred him myself

-ill play then

(something is tapping gulfs hand)

gulf: oh! youre still here... didnt noticed you there

nix: unhand me freak!

gulf: im the freak now, huh... well, then... let me show you, how freakish i could be (eyes glowed in anger)

(thrown nix across the room in such force you would not believe a lanky/post op man could muster)

(nix tried to stand up to ran away given that he was only 2 steps away from the door but as soon as he took a step he was push back by an invisible force and was pushed upward a couple of feet above the ground)

nix: wha- what the hell!!! w-w-who are you?!

gulf: take 3 guess i might spare your life if you guessed right (he stood before his daughter) can you try lessen the shouting? my daughters sleeping (he said calmly... too calm for a raging wolf/witch hybrid in rampage)

nix: youre her father?!

gulf: close.. but not quite (flicked his pinky - nix skin on his leg got peeled off antagonizingly slow)

nix: GYAAAAAAHHH!!!! ha ha ha (panting)

gulf: 2 guesses left

nix: you-youre mews m-mate?!

gulf: damn, right! but thats not what i am to you, right? (flicked his thumb - nixs other leg got twisted freakishly slow as if wringing a thick bundle of cloth)


gulf: the hell! SHUT UP! my daughters gonna wake up with all that screaming! damn! (tap tapping her daughters belly) last one nix!

nix: h-how do you know m-meee? (pants... sweats all over his face and wets his trousers as well)

gulf: (smiled) i have my resources.. last 1 nix... do or die

nix: y-youre gulf n-nattarine

gulf: correct! congratulations! (lowered nix) (sniffs) but its not who i am to you, right~? (tapped nixs face still unable to move a limb)

nix: n-no no wait!

gulf: im your hell! (flexed his fingers outward - both arm and legs of nix got separated from his poor of an excuse body) whyre you so dumb?!

nix: AAAARRRGGGGGHHHH!!!! goddess please spare me... (teared)

gulf: why ask for your salvation from the goddess while you have consumed her own flesh and blood and even kidnapped her own descendant? STUPID! (picked up his daughter from the suprisingly neat bed) come now my sweetie... your dad is waiting for you (hovered nix outside and hurled him in front of an gigantic black wolf with red eyes and 3 more others)

nix: (face flat on the forests floor and looked up as he saw hells hound/wolf) please please forgive me GYAAAAA- (snap - bone crushing snaps)

gulf: (non-chalantly walking and cooing at his daughter) (going out from the clearing to the awaiting jeep of mew where he smelled mild and their son inside) (mew trotted beside him moments later)
done? (huff reply from mew) lets go home!

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