Chapter Two

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When we turned on the TV, no program, no matter what channel, was unrelated to Doomsday. There’s too much hype over it- don’t people see that they’re basically saying “Join us to commit suicide,”? They’re even dropping hints on baby channels. Why would a baby want to die? Honestly, some people. We ate in silence on the sofa whilst I flicked between channels. Nothing really interesting was happening- the sky had gone overcast, the flock was tired, and our parents had gone to a foreign country in support of something we were trying to end.

The world had to live, but not just with superhumans, which is what Doomsday wanted. Normal humans, as well. They were definitely up to something strange; Iggy had supported it too, after Ella had told him about it. They went to a convention, too; when he showed his wings and people started chanting about him being ‘The One Light’, we decided to pull him out and put him in a hot shower until he was back to normal. He had no idea what happened to him, no memory of the group at all. They must have been using some sort of hypnosis to control people and make them want to die. If they weren’t, there wouldn’t be an explanation for it; someone who supported it and then all memories of it were erased with a hot shower? Too weird. I knew I wouldn’t fall into the trance, it was just too controversial for my liking, and they were stealing away what we were supposed to be doing- saving the world.

“That whole thing seems like a whole load of bull to me,” Iggy smirked whilst chewing. “Yeah, I know I can’t see it, but seriously. Doomsday? What a name to attract people. I probably would have gone for something a bit more discreet, like the ‘Let us eat your souls’ project. That probably would have gotten more of my attention,” I smiled, stifling a laugh. Gazzy didn’t get that far, and burst out laughing. Thank God. It had been too long since he’d laughed. I couldn’t imagine all the emotions bottled up in the poor kid, I’m so glad he was able to smile again. Iggy is blind, for those who didn’t know.

I had literally just started eating my dinner, cheese and tomato pizza (which I made and am quite proud of) when there was a huge crash outside. I put my finger to my mouth to symbolise ‘be quiet’, and pressed the mute button for the TV. Someone, or something, was outside. “Stay put. I’m going to see what it is.” I whispered, and crouched down so I wasn’t visible from the window above the TV. From what I could see, nothing was outside. But, you know, we’re kind of fugitives. Nothing is ever as it seems.

I crawled on my knees through the kitchen to the back door, and silently opened it, still keeping low. I walked nearly all the way to the front door but stopped at the corner, and looked round with my right eye, the rest of me hidden in shadows. I nearly screamed. It was something I’d seen all too much. The face wasn’t human, not quite, covered in wolf-like fur. An Eraser. An enemy from the very beginning, practically before Doomsday even existed. When we first escaped they chased us. My half brother, Ari, had even been mutated into one. Unfortunately, the experiment had been fatal. Ari died a while back. The strange thing about me seeing an Eraser is the fact that Jeb had said, quite a while back, that all Eraser mutations had expiration dates. All of them were apparently dead. Then what was I seeing? It definitely wasn’t an illusion. I slowly crept round to the front, and one of the six there sharply turned in my direction and looked at me with its yellow eyes. Then a smile lit up its face. “You must be Max. We’re here to help you.”

Maximum Ride- The End. (Fan Fiction)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang