The voices in my head

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As I walked outside a tear came down my face. Soon I hear someone calling my name. But more of a whisper saying my name.

"Hello?" I called out.

No answer.

"Can you hear me?" I asked again.

Again no answer. What the hell.

Hope sing:

I can here them, they have been in my head all I know, but I don't know which way to go?

Am I good, am I bad? How do I know?

Am I a hero, am I a villain? Is the only way to know? The voices in my head.

Oh, oh, the voices in my head.

The screams are telling me a sign, but I don't know where to go?

Am I wrong, am I right? I can still here them, screaming. The voices in my head.

Whoho, tell me mother, I been told to be good. But maybe I'm bad. I just want to scream and be ok.

Oh, please it's killing me.

It's in my head, it's in my head. The voices in my head.

I can dance, I can sing,  it's inside me.

Am I hero, am I villain? What am I to be?

The voices in my head.

Oh, the voices in my head.

In my head.

After I sing I heard the door open as Evie stepped out.

"H, you ok?" Evie asked.

"Yeah" I said.

"Come on, the girls are waiting" Evie said as I turned around slowly and walked back inside.

"Hey, what took you so long?" Mal asked.

"Just thinking" I said.

"Thinking?" Uma asked.

"Um hmm" I said knoding.

"Okay" the girls said as we carry on our girls night.


As the morning came I'm in my room spray painting off me and the VKs say long live evil on it. I don't know why?

"Hey, H" Mal said coming in.

"Hey, M. What's up?" I asked putting the spay can down.

"Umm there's a meeting we got to go" Mal said as I knod as we when to the meeting spot.

As I open the door and when in I notice my Dad and grandma was there.

"Dad? Grandma Snow? I didn't know you would be involved in the meeting?" I asked.

"Hope, we have no sign. No trace of your mother" Grandma said.

"What?" I asked.

"So were going in on plan B" Grandma said.

"What is plan B?" I asked.  My mom can't be gone.  She can't.

"I'm retired as Queen. So Hope,  they're asking you to be the queen of the enchanted forest" Grandma said.

"What? So where going to give up that easily? She could be anywhere?" I asked as everyone was quite.

"Hope?" Mal asked.

"No, M. My mother told to never give up. So I'm not giving up on her.  I'm gonna find her and bring her home.  But I can't be queen I'm not- I'm not your queen you think you want me to be " I said.

"I- I can't- I got to go" I said leaving the room with tears.

"Hope?" What's wrong?" Carols asked caching my arm.

"Stay away from me!" I said yanking my arm off and storming off.


I'm in my room stuffing clothes in my bag with tears in my eyes as I have Isle close on.

"I don't belong here anymore" I said zipping up my bag and making my way towards the garage where my motor bike is.

"Let's rock this" I said getting on and driving off.

The one place I can be. The one place I feel rotten.  The Isle of the lost.

My second home. I'm sorry guys,  Carols. I don't belong here. Not anymore.


My Once Upon A Time ♡Carols De Vil♡Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang