We are Cousin's

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I sat on the bench with Doug waiting for Evie to come out as I sit obit to Doug as I see Evie I see her put a finger to her lip telling me to be quite.

"For the first time it's like I'm more than just a mirror " Evie said sitting down.

"You were great in there " Evie said.

"So were you" Doug said ooh more love this day can get more interesting.

"I bet I can get an A in the next test without the mirror" Evie said.

"And we can get together" Doug said.

"Yeah let's get together " Evie said as Mal came over.

"There you two are I have been looking everywhere for yous" Mal said.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Ben just asked me out on a..... a date" Mal said as Evie and I stand up.

"We can handle this" Evie said.

"Your looking a little pale" Evie said as we walked away.

"Yeah " Mal said.

"Don't freak out. Maybe a little bit of blush" Evie said as we get to their dorm.


"Okay easy on the blush I don't want to scare him away" Mal said as Evie does Mal's makeup as I braid a bit of her hair.

"Please. My mom taught me how to apply blush before I can talk. Always use upwards strokes" Evie said.

"My mom was never on makeup tips. I never had a sister" Mal said.

"Well now you got two" I said finishing the brade.

"Trust me, we're going to need all the family we can get if we don't pull this off. My mother's not a barrel of laughs when she don't get her own way. Just asked Snowwhite" Evie said as I turned to her at the mention of my Grandmother but I can tell they are trying to keep me out of something.

"Are you afraid of her?" Mal asked.

"Sometimes. Are you afraid of your mom?" Evie asked.

"I just really want her to be proud of me. She gets so angry with me when I disappoint her. And sh- yeah I know she loves me in her own way" Mal said.

"I totally understand" I said as they looked shocked.

"My mom scares me sometime when I mention my dad and I know when she is angry she loves me as well but I just wanted to know who my dad is" I said as Mal squeeze my hand.

"Come see" Evie said as we lead Mal to the mirror.

"Oh!" Mal said.

"I know!" Evie said.

"I look..." Mal said.

"Say it" I said.

"Not hideous" Mal said.

"Not even close" Evie said.

"Your beautiful" I said as Evie and I hug Mal. A knock was heard.

"That must be Bennybear" I said as Mal opened the door.

"For the first time I understand pretty and beautiful" Ben said making Mal laugh.

"I hope you like bikes?" Ben said as Mal took the helmet and gave Evie and I  a kill me look and left.

"So what's up with Hopes life?" Evie asked after shuting the door.  Should I tell Evie.

"Okay. I can trust you not to tell anyone?" I asked Evie.

"I promise H" Evie said.

"Okay, I like Carols E" I said as Evie gasp and put a smile on her face.

"Omg I'm so happy" Evie said.

"Really?" I asked.

"Yes and don't worry I won't tell him. Oh, I forgot to asked who is your mom?" Evie asked.

"My mom is Emma Swan and I'm Granddaughter of Snowwhite and Prince charming" I said as Evie and I gasp.

"Wait to does that means " Evie said.

"I think we're" I said.

"Related" we said at the same time.

"We're cousins" I said.

"Omg" Evie said hugging me as I hug back glad to have a cousin like Evie.

"So tell me everything about you" Evie said as I laughed and I started to tell my whole life story as a child to now.


Author Note:

Seventh chapter done! Yes Evie and Hope finally figured their cousins!

My Once Upon A Time ♡Carols De Vil♡Where stories live. Discover now