Chapter 26

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Emily Evans!

"She was my student at my old job why? She did this"
"It's her that dropped off the flowers she told the man at the desk that you were her partner and when she gave him the code he allowed her to go through"
"How the hell did she have the code?"
"We were never able to locate Mrs Downey's phone"
"There's a tracker on her phone"
"A tracker?"
"Yeah we put them on our phones I've been a bit paranoid lately ever since our house was broken into when she was pregnant! Why didn't I think of this before!"
"It's easy to forget these things with everything going on sir"
"I'll get my phone and see if I can track her phone now"
"She's probably turned the phone off"
"It doesn't matter it's a chip that we had placed on the phone it will work if the phone is off"
"That's really great"
"Yeah cost a fortune hold on"
You leave the room to go get your phone and pull up the app with the tracker.
She's at the house! "She's in my house!"
The police officer takes the phone and checks and they speak through their talkies! "Stay here! We will be in touch"
Going back to the room with Bella "you stay here with her and the baby! That bitch is at the house"
You run out the door and out of the hospital you don't have your car, you run and keep running.

It feels like you've been running for hours and you can feel your heart beating in your chest, you see up ahead 5 police cars and you run straight to them, you bend over breathless
"We told you to stay at the hospital"
"Is she in there? Have you got her?"
"No she has a gun she's been out on balcony screaming for you"
"Then I'm going"
"No you ain't"
"Try and stop me" you push past the police officers and you run into the building and into the lift, you hear the police officers shouting after you but you don't care and you push in the code and the doors close and the lift makes it's way up

You push open your front door "Emily?"
She comes in from the balcony "Rob you came?"
"What are you doing?"
"I've been here waiting, I came to get the baby but he's not here"
"Why do you want my son?"
"Our son Rob! Our baby"
"No Robbie is mine and Mercedes baby"
"She's dead!!"
"I killed her so that we can be a family"
"You don't want to hurt the baby?"
"I would never ever ever hurt our son"
"He's not your son"
"Why are you being like this ?"
"You nearly killed my wife!"
"She isn't dead?"
"No luckily right now she is okay"
"I'll finish her I promise I will"
"I don't want to be with you Emily"
"Don't say that!"
"Why! Or you'll shoot me??"
"I wouldn't hurt you"
"You have hurt me you hurt me by hurting my wife"
"Stop it!"
"You need to leave here now and you need to hand your self over to the police"
"Not with out you"
"What if I walked out with you? Would you hand yourself in?"
"You'd protect me?"
"You'll tell them that it was an accident and that we are meant to be together"
"Yes but you need to do it now you'll be in less trouble if you do it now"
"Okay I'll do it"
"Can I have the gun?"
"No just in case they try to hurt me"
"They won't hurt you if you don't have the gun"
"You won't let them hurt me"
"No I won't"
She hands over the gun and you place it on the side table and you walk towards the door "let's go"
She walks with you to the lift and you push the button to go down
"Why me?"
"What do you mean?"
"Why did you want me?"
"Your my husband Rob I love you"
"Because your kind and loving and the nights we spend together are amazing"
"But what baby?"
The door slides open and you walk out with her "let's go baby let's go tell them to let me go"
You place your hand on her back and walk out the door when the glass opens you push her into the police officers and walk back
"You nearly killed my wife!"
"Baby no I am your wife!"
"She needs to be locked up she's not well"
"How do you mean?"
"I think she's mentally unwell she needs help. I have to get back to Mercedes please get the gun out of my apartment"
"Of course this officer will take you back to the hospital but someone will be over to take a statement"
"That's fine I'll be there all day" you get into the officers car and he takes you too the hospital
"You were brave but stupid to go into that apartment"
"If I didn't then someone could have got hurt including Emily"
"You care for the girl?"
"No I don't, I hate her she almost took my wife from me and a mother from my son but she's obviously not well and needs the right help, she's created this fantasy in her head and she needs help coming back to reality"
"Well off the record, your a better man than I"
"Thanks" the rest of the rise is silent all thee way to the hospital.

You walk up to the ward Mercedes is on and walk into her room and Bella is sitting on the sofa will a sleeping Robbie
"They got her"
You fill Bella in on everything that happened
"I still can't believe that she thought it was okay to do this to her"
"Bella all the shit that's gone on between us I really want you to know that I want to have a clean slate and when Mercedes wakes up I want us all to be good again"
"I'd like that too and I'm sorry I accused you of having an affair"
"It's fine under the circumstances I can understand why you did"
"She loves you and I know you love her"
"Of course"
"She's gonna get through this"

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