Chapter 25

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"Come on get in! Robbie is sleeping it's time for us to relax"
"Babe I am not getting naked in the swimming pool"
"Why not?"
"Because someone might see us"
"This is a private hotel suite you idiot get in the pool"
"And what about Robbie?"
"He's down for the night Rob, the monitor is there we can hear him, get in this water or so help me god I will drag you in"
"Always so bossy Mrs Downey"
Jumping in the water and taking the love of your life in your arms
"The things I do for you"
"It's because you love me"
"I do love you! You don't understand the love I have you Mercedes" she blushed her cheeks turning pink "your my whole world you and our son are the reasons I can get up and face the world everyday"
"Rob, I am truly madly deeply in love with you and I'll always be with you"
"Promise me one thing Mercedes"
"That this is forever and you'll never leave me"
"I will never leave you"

"Mr Downey?"
You snap back to reality and the doctors are looking at you "Mr Downey?"
"Do you understand what we said?"
You shake your head at them "No I don't I wasn't listening to you"
"She managed to stop the bleeding but she has very bad swelling on the brain, we have had to put her onto a life support machine to do the breathing for her we need her brain to heal in other words and the more the machines do for her, hopefully her brain can start to heal. She's critical and the next few days are going to be tough but we are hoping she can pull through"
"But she's not gonna be awake?"
"No sir, we won't be taking her off the ventilator for at least a week then we will see how she can cope without it if she can't we will put her back on it"
You nod your head at him "do everything you can to save my wife! Anything I have money I can pay for anything but please save my wife"
"We will do everything we can, once we get her into a room you can go and see her"
"Thank you I want her in a private room and I know they cost but I will pay it"
"Of course we will have it all set up for her straight away"

"Rob I'm gonna take the baby home, he shouldn't be here right now"
"Where you taking him?"
"Back to your place it's where he will be most comfortable"
You nod at her "I'll call the desk and tell them to let you go up"
"Thank you, please call me if there is anything I'll be back in a few hours"
"Will you bring the baby back?"
"Yeah, of course until we figure out whether this attack was an accident or not this little boy isn't leaving our sights"
"Thank you Bella"

"It's been a few hours now Raf and we haven't heard anything"
"That means there is nothing for him to say Bella"
"I feel like I need to be with her"
"Right now your doing the one thing the both of them want you to do and that is watching this beautiful little baby"
"What if she never wakes up?"
"Please don't think like that"
"You didn't see her Raf it was horrible"

The doorbell rings

"You sit with Robbie and ill get the door baby"
"Thanks Raf" you pick Robbie up and start tickling him "who's aunty BELLA's favourite boy"

Raf walks into the room holding a bunch of roses
"Who are they from?"
He hands you a card

'I hope now you know Robert how much I would do for you. I'm sorry I had to be so extreme but she was getting in our way and now we can be together. Your forever

"He was right Raf this wasn't an accident!"
You pick Robbie up and place him in the car seat and walk outside to the car "I'm taking these to the police and then to Rob we need to go"
You both get in the car and you leave to go to the police station.

After handing the evidence over to the police you head over to the hospital knowing the police need to speak to Rob about this!
"I swear to you Raf if he has had an affair then I'm gonna kill him! He's the god damn reason she's in this hospital"
"We don't know what has happened Bella"
"No! He's too damn perfect! This is why he's guilty he's been having an affair his ex wife said he cheated on her"
"I'm gonna kill him I want you to get in a taxi get to robs house get some things together for Robbie and take them to ours, he's gonna be staying with us for awhile"
"Just do it Raphael! This little boy could be in danger of this girl wants Rob all to herself"
He nods at you he knows not to stop you when your like this!

Pulling up to the hospital you walk up to the ward that Mercedes is on and you walk into the room seeing Robert holding Mercedes hand while she lays there hooked up to so many machines.
"Hi would you be able to watch the baby for 10 minutes please while I speak to Robert here"
"Of course" you hand Robbie to the nurse and she leaves the room. You walk over to him and he stands!
"Have you been having an affair?" You demanded

Rob's POV

Who the hell does this bitch think she is!
"You what?"
"It's not a hard question Rob! Yes or no have you been having an affair?"
"That is the most stupid thing you could ever ask me! Do you not know how much I love her?"
"Even people in love make mistakes"
"No I haven't had an affair why?"
"You had a delivery today, 2 dozen red roses with a note saying how much this woman would do for you and apologising for going to this extreme but now you can both be together?"
"What? I have no idea at all"
"She's been attacked could possibly die and it's because someone is in love with you!"
"I swear I don't know anything, I've had this feeling that someone has been watching me watching us and then the house got broken into"
"So a stalker?"
"I don't know"
This is all my fault! Someone who wants me has hurt my wife.
"Raf has gone to yours to get Robbie's things and he will be staying with me just in case whoever this is wants to hurt him"
"No I will protect this baby at all costs, he's the only thing I have of her and I will not let anyone hurt him"
"The police?" You see two officers standing outside the door
"I took the note and flowers to them, they need to catch this person and they're gonna ask you some questions"
"I haven't cheated on her I swear to god I never would"
"Just go speak to them and I will sit with her"
You nod your head at her "Bella I swear to you I have no idea"
"I hope your telling the truth because if I find out your lying you'll be laying in the next room"
"It wasn't me I didn't do this"
You walk out the room
"Mr Downey Jr?"
"Yeah, Bella has just filled me in"
"We need to ask you some questions"
"Sure we can go in this room here" you turn to the nurse "you can take the baby into Bella she will have him back" the nurse gets up and walks in to the room and you walk into the family room
"Sir the package that was delivered to your house was hand delivered which means this person knows where you live now it's not a nice question I know but we need to know if you have been seeing anyone other than your wife"
"I have not been having an affair! I never would cheat on my wife"
"Then do you know who this person could be?"
"No!" Your getting angrier why does everybody think that you could cheat on her! Never!
"We are speaking to the people at the front desk, this woman had access to the code that leads to your apartment and then to your door"
"Then security will have footage of her right?"
"Yes we are hoping so"
"Please find this person I want them put away before they hurt my son"

The officers phone starts to ring and he steps out of the room and you see him looking back and forth the rooms. What is happening?
He hangs up the phone and walks in

"Mr Downey Jr do you know anyone by the name of Emily Evans?"

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