Chapter 19

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"If you don't agree to it then I'm sorry, I'm handing in my notice and I will no longer be putting money into the university"
"Robert people will know her here"
"She's 27 years old she isn't a kid we are married now"
"Yeah married and she's almost due with our son so you have a until the end of the day to decide"
You walk out of the office and walk to your class, teaching was everything to you once upon a time but now you had your wife and son to think about and that was your new everything.
The class is full as you walk in and the students cheer when they see you
"Sir, so happy to see you back in the class"
"Sit down Mr Maxfield. So who took over my classes?"
"Ms Thomas sir and man she has no idea what English is"
"Well she is a drama teacher, anyways whatever was taught erase it from your minds. I have something new for us today"
Your classes are no longer stressful and the students are more relaxed because you ain't such a hard ass no more, you started to connect more with them to be able to help them better.
When the class is over one student is still sitting at her desk
"Miss Evans all okay?"
"Yes Mr Downey sir, I just thought we could talk a little bit about how I could get some extra credit"
She stands up and starts walking down the steps towards you
"Well unfortunately Miss Evans I don't have anything extra going at the minute"
"Sir you can call me Emily"
"As much as I have chilled out a but I don't call my students by their first names Miss Evans"
She walks closer to you again but step backwards
"So Miss Evans if that is all you should be heading off to your next class"
"Free period now sir"
"Miss Evans you need to leave my class now I have another to prepare for"
"Mr Downey there must be something I can do to get some extra credit"
"Like I said I have nothing to offer you at the moment"
"And what if I could offer you something?"
"I don't like where this conversation is going so I would like you to leave my classroom immediately"
"Come on sir really you don't want to have some of this" she rubs her hand up her leg and starts to pull up the hem of her skirt
"No! Out now!"
"Sir come on everyone wants me"
"Fuck this" you walk passed her and out the door you see the chancellor and you walk to him "I quit effective immediately, I do not appreciate being hit on by a 18 year old girl who doesn't want to do any work except sleep with the professor, I respect my wife too much to even be in a class with her again, so I quit" you turn away from him and leave the building, you hear him shouting behind you but you leave and head home to your wife. You arrive at home and walk through the door and Mercedes is sitting on the sofa watching her favourite programme Sex Education when you walk into the living room she looks stunned to see you.
"What are you doing home?"
"I quit"
She pauses the tv and looks at you eyes wide "what? Why? Because of the stupid event?"
"No, he hadn't made up his mind about that in fact it was nothing to do with him"
"Then what the hell happened?"
"A girl in my class hit on me"
"Fuck off" she starts laughing
"It's not funny"
"I know I'm sorry what happened?"
"She wanted extra credit I said I didn't have anything and then she said that she could offer me something then she ran her hand up her leg and started to higher her skirt so I ran outta there"
She stands up and walks to you and wraps her arms around your waist "thank you"
"Why are you saying thank you?"
"A girl hitting on you, your brand new wife not being able to have hot sex like we used too you could have strayed and you didn't"
"Baby we could be having no sex at all and I would never ever want another woman near me that's why I got out of there"
"Who was it?"
"Emily Evans?"
"I can't remember her"
"She's not long come to the class, I said yes to a late transfer because her father donated a couple thousand to the university so I said yes to make the chancellor look good you know, didn't think she was as dumb as she was"
"Don't be mean"
"No baby not mean just honest, no work was completed and when it actually was done it never made sense so it was a waste of my time"
"Well you didn't have to quit?"
"Yes I do, Carol never wanted to cheat on me and I know that but when someone continuously tries it on and on and on there's only a time where you give in to it like she did and I could never even imagine doing something like that to you"
"But you wouldn't your not Carol, your you and you wouldn't ever hurt me or our son like that"
"I didn't really want to be there no more anyway it's not something I want to do anymore"
"You love teaching?"
"I'm gonna love being a husband and father more"
"And for work? Because you ain't the guy who sits on his ass all day, you get bored just watching a movie"
"I don't know that's for us to sort out another time but right now I want to be home with you before we have our son"
"I'm gonna love that, now how about you help me up these stairs and I'll lay there while you make love to me"
You laugh at her "such a sexy offer"
"I can go on all fours if that makes it sexier"
You both laugh, you pull her off the sofa and walk up the stair but by the time she gets up the stairs to the bedroom she's exhausted "are you okay?"
"It's just effort to move, I've put on so much weight with him babe, honestly my jeans won't go past my knees"
"Your body is beautiful"
"I don't feel it right now"
"Well I know it, your just as sexy as the first time I saw you"
"You were an asshole when I first saw you"
"Fine when I saw you in the club then I thought you were sexy as fuck"
"Obviously I was dressed in the most tightest outfit"
"Man I wanted you that night"
"You yelled at me"
"You always go for the negative"
"I state facts"
"Well I still wanted you"
"So hubby still wanna have sex?"
"No you look tired why don't you have a nap and we will see if your up for it later"
"Thank you"
She curls up on the bed and you pull the blanket over her "sweet dreams baby girl" you walk out the room and down the stairs as pull your phone out of your bag. 20 missed calls from work, not something you want to deal with right now. You throw it back in the bag and grab your keys and head out the door to go shopping to make a nice meal for your wife.

The woman deserves to be treated and that's all you want to do is treat her like the queen she is and surprise her with the best night ever........

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