Chapter 1

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Robert's POV

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Robert's POV

"You know I think if this was my view every day I wouldn't want to move from here either"

"Alex I am not moving into my place because i'm not staying here for long"

"Your the Professor Rob, you have to stay"

"I'm fine here"

"It must cost you a fortune"

"Money isn't an object"

"Oh yeah I forgot Billionaire right. Why the hell do you work?"

"Sense of being I guess. Money isn't everything"

"Want to go out for a few?"


"Come on, your in London and you a 36 year old Billionaire Professor and you just sit inside think of the women who will throw themselves at you"

"I'm done with women"

"Men then come on come with me"

"Your not funny! No, i'm good thank you"

"Rob your boring"

"Then i'm boring, I have my first class tomorrow so I need to make sure i'm prepped"

"Fine i'm leaving! Tomorrow we are going out for a few drinks"


"Yeah whatever"  Alex shouts as he walks out of the room, and you throw your jacket over the chair 

'the man is infuriating' You sit at your desk by the window staring out into the world, this wasn't always your life you used to have fun and go out but since the split you can't do anything anymore.

Mercedes POV

"Bella honestly I am not going out i'm sorry but I have not worked my ass off to ruin it now"

"Merc, really? your just going to be boring now"

"It's not boring Bel it's being young and in college"

"yeah but you are 20 years old and I am 25 I need to get this now I love you but leave me alone"


"Fine your paying"

"YES! I love you" she kisses you on the cheek "Ciao Bitch" she ran out the door and you just giggle to yourself, kind of exited to have a few drinks after tomorrow.

You sit at your desk and open your books "Okay Mercedes let's do this"

Monday 8:45AM 

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