Chapter 18

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Mercedes POV
Not seeing him these last 5 weeks has been so hard but you know that you both needed this space, too much has happened and you needed time to let your head catch up. Alex moved back to the states now that Rob cut him off financially and friendship wise so there was nothing here for him anymore, Carol left also she did try to get back with Rob but he loved you way too much to even speak to the woman. You and Bella started repairing your friendship, it's never gonna be the same but you want her in your life. Your nearly 33 weeks pregnant now you haven't got long left and your still living in a small 1 bedroom flat.
Today is the day your meeting Robert, he's been wanting to know for a long time where your living but you needed the space so you haven't said but today you have given him the address and he is coming to see you to work on the relationship before moving back in together.
You get yourself out of bed and throw on a maxi dress and sliders, even getting dressed is hard now with this massive bump in the way. You have easily gone up 3 dress sizes with this baby. You wobble into the lounge and sit on the sofa and pick up your phone and text Rob

Hey I'm ready when you are? M x
Good, I'm on my way. I got you a coffee. R x
Coffee? M x
Yeah Costa Decaf. Don't worry R x
You're amazing! M x
I just can't wait to see you R x
I know I feel the same M x
I'll be there in about 5 minutes R x
Ok see you then M x
I love you R x

You know you should say it back but it's something you want to say to him and not something you want to text to him, he sent the same message to you for the last 6 weeks but you haven't responded to it. You know he's hurt and he won't say anything but it's something you need to speak about properly.

The intercom rings and you go to it and buzz him in. You walk to the door and unlock it then walk back to the sofa and sit back down, 30 seconds later there's a knock on the door
"It's open Rob" he pushes through the door and walks into the living room where you are
"Hi baby" his voice sounds desperate god he's missed you
You look at him and smile "hey"he walks to you and hand you your coffee and then sits down next to you "I know your not meant to say this but your so big"
"I would be offended but I know" you laugh at him
"I've missed you so much"
"I know you have and I have missed you too more than you know"
"I understand why you did it though"
"Good I'm happy you ain't mad at me but everything just got way too much you know"
"Of course, it made a lot of things more clear to me. I've been getting better at work again and I've finished the babies nursery"
"You've finished?"
"Yeah, you left your planner in the house and all the ideas you had and I've done them all for you"
You smile at him "thank you"
"I just want you home now, working on things together"
"Liar, you just miss my cooking"
"I'm not going to lie I have been living off take away"
"Your food isn't there and I'm not a good cook and those microwave meals are disgusting"
"Well I have handed my notice into this place. I gave the landlord the three months rent now so I can just leave whenever"
"Yeah, I want to come home"
He stands up "let's go pack"
"It's all done, I'm leaving everything here and I'm taking my clothes and they're in bedroom"
"Your leaving it all? And giving your landlord 3 months rent"
"He turned away a lot of people and gave me the place, I don't want to make him thinking was ungrateful I've only been here 6 weeks and now he needs to get someone else in here"
"Your too kind"
"Thank you so obviously I have my own car so will you be able to carry all my bags down?"
"Should you be driving?"
"It's getting harder I won't lie"
"Well come in the car with me and then I'll come back and get your car"
"No, I want to drive home. I won't be able to drive soon thanks to this baby so while I can I want to drive"
"Fine, but please be careful"
"I will, when we get home I'm gonna make food and we are gonna talk more about all this"
"Deal, lets just get you home where you belong"

He goes to the bedroom to get your bags and you say goodbye to the place that has kept you sane the last 6 weeks and you close the door and post your keys through the landlords door with a note saying how grateful you are to him, Robert sits in his car waiting for you to drive off so he can drive behind you, you've missed his protective says. You pull out of the space and start your drive home and you see him pull off behind you. Finally going home.

Once your fully unpacked you go to the kitchen to prepare food for the both of you but when you open the fridge there is no food, he wasn't joking when he said he had been living off take away, guess one last day of take away wouldn't hurt before you make him take you shopping tomorrow

"Take away tonight, we have no food here?"
"Yeah haven't been shopping in a while"
"We are going tomorrow!"
"Yes boss, Chinese?"
"Please" he pulls out his phone to order food and you sit next to him and lift your legs over his
"I've missed you so much Rob"
"There isn't words to how much I have missed you baby girl"

The baby kicks and you grab your stomach
"What's wrong?" He jumps up
"It's fine, he's kicking that's all"
"Kicking, can I feel it?"
"Of course here" you take his hand and place it on your stomach and he feels his son kick his arm
"I think he's missed his daddy too"
He places both hands on your stomach "I'm gonna love you so much little one"
"This baby is going to adore you Robbie"
"Have you settled a name?"
"No, I change my mind everyday what about you?"
"It depends really on what the baby's surname is?"
"Well Rob if we are getting married surely I am taking your name?"
"I know I just wanted to make sure"
"Look I love you and yes this has been hell but I don't want to be without you, I needed you to figure out your shit and go on now to be happy"
"And that's what we are going to do, I don't want no more bad shit happening or horrible friends around us"
"About that"
"I've been speaking to Bella"
"After everything she did"
"Baby Alex got into her head she did what she was doing out of jealousy and love she had for him"
"I don't want to be near her Merce, I've cut off Alex and she is just as responsible I'm sorry but I won't forgive her for any of it"
"I understand that but I'm trying. We will never be as we were before wanted to try and get some sort of friendship back"
"If that's what you want I will support you but I don't want to see or speak to her okay?"
"That's fine I totally get it"
"Thank you"
"So any names?"
"Jaxon? Like sons of anarchy?"
"Yeah! Jax Downey"
"Hmmm okay we will sit on that for awhile"

After enjoying some food together, you guys decided to watch some tv before eventually giving into the tiredness and heading off to bed. You both lay in bed when Rob starts
"I'm gonna speak to the chancellor tomorrow"
"There's a fundraising event next week and I want you there with me as my fiancé"
"He's never going to allow it"
"Then I leave and take my money with me, I give a lot of money to that place"
"Okay, do it. I'm sick of hiding us anyway but I have one condition?"
"Name it?"
"I go as your wife"
"Let's go get married"
"I don't care, let's just go and do it,I don't want a big fancy wedding I just want to be your wife"
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah you've done the whole wedding thing and it's not a big thing for me, I don't really have family"
"Let's do it where though?"
"I don't know"
"Ever been to Vegas?"
"Can I fly? I'm 33 weeks?"
"Call the doctor in the morning and if he says yes then I'll get a private plane and we will go"
"Yeah, I don't travel coach baby"
"Oh my god this is happening?"
"Call the doctor in the morning and see what they say and if it's a yes then we will leave the next day"

You kiss him. "I love you"
"I love you so much"

You lay in his arms, you need this you need him. You haven't had much of a life and now is the time to start living.
Your whole world in a picture, the man you love and the evidence of your love growing in your belly.

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