Chapter 20

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"Is there anything sir?"
Staring at the till noticing that you've spent nearly £200 on ingredients and junk food for your wife
"No that's it thank you"
"Okay sir that's £197.23 please"
"Sir when you ready put it in" she smiles at you and you pay for your goods
"Thank you"
"Anytime" she couldn't be more obvious if she tried I mean how many times was she gonna bite her lip before it actually fell off. You grab your bags and walk out the door, reminder to self find new shop.
Loading your goods into the car you feel someone staring at you but when you look no one is there, when you finish you take the trolley back to the bay, sensing something you turn quickly but nothing you shake your head and get back to your car and head home.

"Robbie?" You walk through the door and Mercedes comes round the corner "where did you go?"
"Sorry I went to the shop to go get some food in and some snacks"
"Your such a perfect man"
You walk pass her and you put the bags on the counter
"What's the matter?" You start unloading the bags
"Rob whats wrong?"
You snap out of it and look at her "sorry I don't know, you know that feeling someone is watching you?" She nods "I felt like that today. I felt like someone was watching me" her face turns serious
"Did you see anyone?"
"No and that's why I feel a bit like weird because I honestly felt like someone was there but then vanished out of sight it's strange. Maybe I'm tired"
"Yeah maybe you are tired but maybe what your feeling was true just keep your wits about you okay?"
"Yeah of course, now I am gonna get started on dinner"
"Can I help?"
"No it's fine you go and chill for awhile"
"Baby that's all I do is chill come on let me help" you take her hand and pull her into you wrapping your arms around her waist
"Thank you, how about you put all the shit away and I start cooking"
"Deal I've always been better at organising"
You start prepping the food while she puts things away.

"That was so bloody stunning" she leans back on the chair rubbing her stomach "I've filled the both of us"
"I'm glad you both enjoyed"
"You are possibly the best cook in the world, our son is lucky to have you as his chef"
You laugh at her "right I'm gonna get these cleaned up" she raises her hand to you
"Don't even think of it, you cooked I'm gonna clean up"
"No Rob I can wash the dishes. I'm pregnant not ill so sit your ass down on the sofa and let me take care of all this"
Your not going to argue with her, she's a lot crazier since coming into the third trimester "thank you" you get up and move over to the couch and put your feet up. You close your eyes.

She screams! Plates smash! She screams again! Silence
"MERCEDES" you jump up and she runs into the room
"What's wrong?" She's all panicked
"I'm sorry, I closed my eyes I heard you scream and glass smashing"
"Bad dream Rob I'm fine" she walks over to you and pulls you back down on the sofa
"I'm sorry"
"Shhh don't say sorry" she pulls you into her and rubs her hand through your hair "I'm here babe I'm not going anywhere"

When the house is cleaned up you both decide to go to bed, usually you sit and watch tv but you just want to be with her now
"This is really bothering you isn't it?"
"I don't know what it is. I feel like something is wrong and I can't shake it at all"
"Maybe your nervous because the baby is coming soon and you've quit your job"
"Yeah maybe, it is a lot happening all at once"
"Exactly so come on let's get some sleep and maybe you can take me to the new desert place tomorrow?"
"Sounds like a deal" she places her arm around you in bed and cozied up to you.


You jump up in the bed and Mercedes jumps too
"sorry baby I think it was another bad dream"
"No that wasn't a dream" SMASH!
Panic rises through your body "where's the phone?"
"Mines downstairs where is yours Rob?"
"Kitchen counter! Fuck. You need to get up and lock yourself in the bathroom"
"What?! No! I can't"
"I can't lose you or our son so please get in that room right now and lock the door" she's crying her face soaked with her tears, she reluctantly gets up and gets into the bathroom when you hear the door lock you grab your baseball bat and start to leave the room

"WHO'S THERE?" You bang the bat on the stairs "I'VE CALLED THE COPS" they don't know you don't have a phone upstairs "I HAVE A BASEBALL BAT I'M COMING DOWN"


You run down the stairs and out the door to see if you can see who it was but there was no one around. You run back into the house, the mess was awful whoever had come into the house had really smashed the place. The Tv everything trashed and not a clue why! You run up the stairs and knock on the bathroom door "it's me baby" she unlocks it opens the door and throws herself at you uncontrollably crying
"It's okay I'm here, they've gone who ever the hell it was"
"I wanna leave now"
You nod your head at her and she starts packing both hers and your clothes
"I'm gonna call the police okay" she nods continuing to pack

After the police had been and you gave your statements, you locked up the house handing the police officers a spare key and you head to the hotel you used to crash at. Mercedes hasn't said a word since the police left. You arrive at the hotel
"Mr & Mrs Downey it's nice to see you again even under these circumstances"
"Thank you Filipe, I'm just glad the place was empty"
"Of course anything for you both"
"No visitors allowed, anyone comes here I want to be notified at all times including police anything no one is allowed to just come up understand?"
"Of course, I will not let anyone come up sir"
"Thank you, come on baby let's go"
You both head up in the lift and up to the apartment

"Baby are you okay?" "You haven't spoken for ages"
"I'm scared Rob"
"I know me too it was horrible"
"No, I can't feel him move I haven't for hours now" she means our baby not the break in. Our little baby being hurt because of some crazy bastard putting her under stress
"Rob what if something is wrong"
"I'm calling an ambulance"
She nods her head and cries

You pull out the phone "I need an ambulance my wife is 34 weeks pregnant and she can't feel our son move, we have had a break in this evening and she's not okay"
You answer all the questions and wait to go to the hospital. Mercedes walks out of the bathroom with the worst look on her face "I'm bleeding"


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