In less than a millisecond she set Dr.S free and was holding me close to her chest as if I were to disappear. Once again the same warm comforting feeling ran through my veins, just as with Regina. Once Emma was done assessing me herself she let Dr.S take over.

"Everything seems to be in order, no sign of a concussion, no sign of trauma

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"Everything seems to be in order, no sign of a concussion, no sign of trauma. I'm going to keep you for a few more hours since you lost so much blood. So you'll be discharged later today. I'm also going to put you on bed rest for a week and arrange an appointment to get your stitches removed. No strenuous activities."

My cheeks flared with heat as he gave Ruby and me a pointed look. Ruby scoffed, sending me a sly wink damn well knowing she'll find a way to get into my pants.

"Actually doc that won't be necessary. Our personal doctor will be taking care of that and any other medical treatments concerning both Reina and Ruby Lucas from here on out." Regina stated. Dr.S gave them a firm nod, making me stunned. Personal doctor? Talk about being loaded.

"Regina, please that's unnecessary you don't have to do that, I'm perfectly fine with coming back to the hospital."

"Reina honey, it's not up for discussion, listen to Regina. Don't argue with me on this, subject closed."

"But Emma-"

I swear if looks could kill I'd be more than six feet under. Not that I ever had a choice, with a sigh I surrendered.

"Fine alright, geez long was I out for?"

"You were gone for a week, baby," Ruby responded, a somber look on her lovely face.

"It is true Reina. When you first got here we had to immediately rush into surgery. Since you lost so much blood complications occurred sending you into a coma. Although if it weren't for your wife...well let's just say I wouldn't be speaking to you at this moment."

Oh Ruby, what I must have put you through my love.   

"Thanks, Doc." I gave him a tight smile.

"It's what I do, now before I go, do you have any questions for me?"

I was going to ask him what he meant about my Rubes but I'd rather save that conversation between me and her.

"No, I think we're good here once again thank you."

"It was no problem. It was nice seeing you Reina, you too Ruby, again I just wish it was under better circumstances." He excused himself taking his leave.

Truth be told I did have questions they just weren't directed towards his medical profession. These questions were directed to the people here, in the same room with me.

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