This Is The Title (part 2)

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The next day, which you may assume is Wednesday but it is actually Saturday, Francis stumbled across the Baguette again.

"Hello there." Francis said to the Baguette. "I'm a Baguette, not a space General." Replied the living bread.


"Nothing, you wouldn't understand." The all knowing Baguette told Francis.

The Baguette walked into Francis' house. Francis questioned why it was doing this but it refused to answer him, it just went looking through all the cupboards and pulled out the blue glowing jar.

"What are you doing?" Insisted Francis.

"Do you have a knife?" The Baguette asked while unscrewing the lid to the jar.

"Yeah, here." Francis handed it a knife. "What are you doing with my food?"

The baguette began spreading the contents of the jar in between the slices of ham inside of itself. "I'm making a sandwich, what does it look like?"

A bear in a crocodile costume burst out of Francis' washing machine and then went to the toilet to defecate.

"But that's my jar of yummy deliciousness!" cried Francis as he watched the last ounce of it be spread inside the Baguette.

"I had to do that Francis, Its for your own good."

Chapter 8

Francis looked down. The floor in his house looked peculiar. well, more peculiar than usual. There was something different about it and Francis couldn't work out what. He decided to go talk to his roommate Turmyte about it, but on his way Francis fell over.

"Ouch!" Francis said, for he was in pain.

"I think I fell over." Well no shit Francis, you really aren't that bright are you? Anyway he looked across the floor and noticed an object on it. "This must be what made me fall over." Francis thought to himself. The very objecty object sat on the floor like an object would when atop a floor, or any other flat surface for that matter.

"That object must be why my floor looked weird! That object isn't usually on my floor!" Francis exclaimed. He got up and saw that it was a book. The title of the book was "This Is The Title."

"How strange." Francis said as he opened the book, he flicked through the pages and saw one that said: he flicked through the pages and saw one that said: he flicked through the pages and saw one that said: he flicked through the pages and saw one that said: he flicked through the pages and saw one that said: he flicked through the pages and saw one that said: he flicked through the pages and saw one that said: he flicked through the pages and saw one that said-

BANG! Francis slammed the book shut as his head was starting to hurt. "What the hell IS this?" The Baguette snatched the book from Francis. "Thats mine, I dropped it." It said.


"I am all knowing." The Baguette said calmly.

"Okay prove it, what am I thinking of right now?" Francis challenged the Baguette.

"You are worried about how if you were a waffle and not a human then the worm in your sink would steal all your teeth." Claimed the Baguette. It was correct.

"So then why do you have this book?" Francis inquired.

"Its just what my book club is reading at the minute." The Baguette explained.

"Oh okay." Said Francis.

Chapter 9: The Baguette leaves Francis' house

The Baguette leaves Francis' house.

Chapter 10

Francis follows the Baguette out his house. A tree in his neighbor's garden was offended by this and slapped him in the face.

"Why didn't you warn me about that?" He asked the Baguette.

"Didn't want to." The Baguette responded. "Now shush, we must go visit the cat."

Will they visit the cat? Will they make it into chapter 11? Is a tomato really a fruit? Find out right now you impatient little shit.

Chapter 11

Actually no, I'm going to make you wait longer for chapter 11, because milking this story is annoying for you as you clearly want to know more, after all this is the best story you will ever experience. And the fact this is making you all needy for more story is entertaining to me." It laughs evilly at you.

"Yep screw you, no chapter 11 Hahaha...

Chapter 12

"So who is this cat we have to go meet?" Francis asked the Baguette.

"Ask her yourself." Said the Baguette.

"But we arent there yet, wherever 'there' is." He said. All of a sudden, as if by magic they were there. Francis knew they were there as he looked up at a huge sign towering above him with the word 'THERE' plastered on it in big black bold letters.

"Okay fine, I'll ask her." Sighed Francis.

This Is The TitleTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon