This Is The Title (part 4)

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Chapter 18

Francis emerged from the cupboard. He glanced out the window into the clear night sky, the cold light of the stars above bathing everything in a tranquil blanket of infinite blue. He walked outside and stood beside his friend Baguette in the still evening air.

"Beautiful isn't it?" The Baguette asked Francis.

"Yeah." He responded before placing his arm around the Baguette. "It really makes you understand why the Cat wanted us to protect this, life can be so fast paced sometimes that you forget to appreciate the little things that make it worth living."

The leaves rustled high above in the neighbors tree in a slow passing breeze. The Baguette turned to Francis and before he had even realized time had slowed to about a tenth of its regular speed, Francis watched in confusion as people and buildings flew past, illuminated in an ungodly orange glow. A low, distortion could be heard all around, but time was passing too slowly for Francis to work out what it was, or the cause of the unknown vibrato. Francis turned to look behind him for some sort of clue as to where the street was flying off to, but there was a claustrophobic, uncomfortable darkness there obscuring his full vision. Once the smell of burning flesh hit his nose he understood. His legs on autopilot; a blur below him, the Flames danced sadistically over his skin, melted flesh and polyester dripping, smoke billowing out, trailing behind with embers and singed fabric.

His vision blurred. Pitch black beckoning him. A crowd amassed around the slowing Francis, watching on in horrific curiosity as the flaming body before them collapsed motionless onto the cobbles.

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