Chapter Five - Father & Daughter Team

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We started with the boots or the feet same thing, working on one each. We sat across from each other with a dummy by our side for assistance.

"Next. Up." Dad muttered to the machine next to him "Not the boot dummy. Right here. You got me? Nice. You're of no benefit to me at all. Move down to the toe I got this. Oh sorry am I in your way?"

"You know Dad the first step to insanity is speaking to yourself." I tell him working

"What a tragedy." he retorted. I finished on mine and tested it's movement "Nice work." he complimented

"Learnt from the best." I grin.


"okay, let's do this right." Dad says "Reign."

"Dad, mark half a metre, and back and centre. D1 look alive your on standby by for fire safety. We're rolling." I call out as we were taking a first practice test.

"Activating hand controls." Dad stated and prepared himself fitting slightly. It was quite amusing

"Let's start off nice and easy, kay? 10% thrust capacity to see if you lift. 3, 2, 1." He flew up in the air hit the wall and dropped down. Dummy set off the fire extinguisher on him. Me? I busted out laughing.

"Are...are you... Are you okay?" I choked out

"Yeah." he groaned


For the next week we worked long hours on mark two readjusting the design, adding in electrical parts,and making it sleeker. One night I must have fallen asleep at my dest because i felt my self being picked up. I looked up dazed

"shh, go back to sleep." I hummed and closed my eyes again. The next day we were working on the arms. I clipped him in.

"Rey, up two. Alright set that." I followed his instructions

"I've been buzzing, didn't you hear the intercom?" I heard Pepper I glanced up she was holding a box and two cups of coffee.

"Yeah, everything's...what?" Dad asked

"Obadiah's upstairs, what would you like me to tell him?" Pepper continued

"Dad, stop moving, you're distracting me." I scold

"Sorry. Great, we'll be right up." I tinkered a little bit then rolled back on my chair.

"Try it?"

"I thought you said you were done making weapons?" Pepper wondered joining my side as we watched him get ready.

"We have, that is a flight stabiliser, harmless." he aimed and went flying backwards.

"I did not expect that." he breathed

"Is he okay?" Pepper questioned me.

"You good?" I called back whipping the grease of my hands.

"Yeah." he replied and I shrugged to her. He stumbled over and I removed the arm piece.

"Has he brought food?" I question the redhead.

"Yeah, pizza's upstairs." I washed my hand's and ran upstairs.

"Hi, Obie." he nodded his head as he played the piano. Pepper came back up and was working on her laptop. I started to watch tv when Dad came up.

"How'd it go?" Dad wondered "It went that bad huh?" He saw me eating pizza

"Just because I brought pizza back from New York doesn't mean it went bad." Dad lifted up my feet and sat down putting them on his lap.

"Sure it doesn't. Oh boy." He took a slice from the box that was on my lap.

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