Shichibi no Kaku

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Kaku can also be read as "mujina" is a squirrel-shaped Bijuu. Kanjinya can also be read as Mujina, the name of a subspecies of the squirrel (Meles Meles Anaguma) that exist in several places in Japan. He came from the altar of sacrifice on the outskirts of Nagoya. Kaku has seven tails, and the smallest among the bijuu, although he is a bijuu terlicik and the "intruders" from the other nine Bijuu. Rigid hunt their prey from the ground all the time. He kills with erode / destroy the ground under its prey, making it fall right in the mouth is open wide. On the ground, he can turn into anything, as long as he has a clay. His body is blue.

In this war, Kaku fight 4 times, he won over Sokou, and 3 times the escape of Nekomata, Isonade, and Yamata no Orochi. Although it never lost, but he escaped three times from 4 times a fight. Although the level of chakra / stamina of his rank-3 (above Isonade and Nekomata), but he was more concerned with blurred than fight. Probably caused by her physical strength is low (ranked 7th). Clay storage area was known to his fighters and burned. Rigid and unable to change shape and was defeated by the brave fighters Ikkyo Soujin, the sealing Kaku by means of force remaining to seal the Earth Altar in the temple of the earth.

Mujina Japanese terminology is long for a squirrel. In Japanese myth, this beast is undercover, reliable and frequently used form is a faceless ghost. The monster is commonly assumed by the British with mujina, but the Japanese know them by name nopperabu.

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