4 Protectors: Suzaku

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In Japan, the term “Suzaku” is translated as “Red Bird” or “Vermillion Chinese Phoenix

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In Japan, the term “Suzaku” is translated as “Red Bird” or “Vermillion Chinese Phoenix.” In both Japan and China, the symbolism of the red bird seems nearly identical to or merged with that of the mythological Phoenix. At this site, the Suzaku and the Phoenix to be the same magical creature, although not certain if this is entirely true.

Corresponds to summer, red, fire, and knowledge; makes small seeds grow into giant trees. Often paired with the dragon, for the two represent both conflict and wedded bliss; dragon (emperor) and phoenix (empress). Portrayed with radiant feathers, and an enchanting song; only appears in times of good fortune. Within the ancient Imperial Palace in Japan, there was a gate known as Suzakumon 朱雀門 (Red Bird Gate).

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