Chapter 3: Blast from the Future

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Jenn, Brandon, Erica, and TC arrive at the Movies. They get off the motorcycles and head in the theater. When they get in, Jenn and Erica begin looking at the movies that's playing tonight. 

"Um, Jenn why are you and Erica examining the movies when you said I can choose", Brandon says with a smirk on his face.

"Because I kinda want to see the new Halloween movie", Jenn says.

"It's not even Halloween", Brandon replies.

"I know but it's spooky season so I want to get an early start", Jenn says, "How about you and TC get us some snacks, you can get us anything you like, although I'm kinda in the mood for Popcorn and a Slushie".

Brandon stands there staring at Jenn. Jenn walks up to him and whispers something in his ear. 

"TC let's get the snacks", Brandon says turning to go to the snack bar.

TC looks confused then walks to join Brandon. 

"What did she say to you", TC asks.

"It's a scary movie TC, and girls like to cuddle when they get scared", Brandon replies.

"Oh yeah", TC says smacking Brandon's hand.

After getting the snacks and grabbing the movie tickets, they finally walk in to the viewing. Jenn and Brandon sit side by side and TC and Erica skip a seat and sit side by side. 30 minutes into the movie, Jenn is already snuggled up to Brandon. 

"Hey, I'm a little cold, can I get your jacket", Jenn asks.

"Are you actually cold, or just want to wear my jacket?", Brandon asks.

"I mean of course I want to wear your jacket but it's actually extremely cold in here", Jenn says.

Suddenly Anissa sticks her head in the space between the two couples.

"You know what's not cold, the hideout, you know who's suppose to be there, you four", Anissa says.

"How did you find us?", Jenn asks. 

"Dionte told me y'all snuck out", Anissa says.

Jenn cuts an eye at Dionte. Brandon smacks Dionte in the back of the head.

"Not intentionally", Dionte says, "They caught us trying to steal Anissa keys, then I had to explain why we were trying to steal them in the first place".

"Why were you trying to steal them?", Brandon asks.

"Khalil?", Dionte says turning to Khalil.

"No reason", Khalil says walking away.

"Khalil wanted to come "watch over you guys", just incase something happened, Dionte says putting air quotes around Khalil statement. 

"It doesn't matter how we found y'all, what matters is that y'all snuck out in the first place, danger could be right around the corner and you wouldn't be prepared", Anissa says.

A man sitting behind them stands up aggravated.

"Uh, we're trying to watch a movie here, can you take this ghetto family matter somewhere else", the man says.

"Shut up", Brandon says throwing popcorn at the man. 

The man gets up and walks to a different row. 

"Lobby Now", Anissa whispers turning and walking out. 

Jenn, Brandon, TC and Erica grab their things and walk out into the Lobby. 

"Jenn you have to be smarter, just because your powerful doesn't mean you're unbeatable, Perenna is right, we don't know what to expect, so you can't just go running off", Anissa says.

"I know Harriet, we just needed a night out", Jenn says.

"I mean, you could have at least invited me and Grace", Anissa says nudging Jenn smiling. 

As they're about to leave, a blue cloud forms in front of them, knocking them all on the ground. Suddenly a rock falls out of the cloud, and the cloud disappears. They all stand up and surround the rock. 

"Did anyone else just see that rock fall out of the blue cloud", Khalil asks.

"Yeah, we all saw it", Anissa says.

They stand in silence, staring at the rock in disbelief. 

"Why would a rock just fall out of no where", Erica asks.

"It could be a warning!", Dionte says.

"Or a bomb!", Brandon says.

"No, I don't hear any ticking", Grace says.

"I don't know why, but I'm getting some type of communication from this rock", TC says.

"The rock itself or is something inside?", Anissa asks.

"I'm not sure, it's a little muffled, so most likely something inside", TC says.

"We should get it and take it back to the hideout", Anissa says.

They collect the rock and head back to the hideout. Once they arrive they go into the Sanctum. Anissa grabs a magnifier to look closely at it. After a few minutes she stands back confused. 

"It looks like an ordinary rock", Anissa says.

Grace walks up and put her face to it. Jenn stares at her confused.

"It smells like an ordinary rock", Grace says.

"Ok you really gotta stop using your animal senses without warning us first, because it's kinda weird", Jenn jokes.

"Shut up", Grace says nudging her. 

"If this is just a regular rock, why would it come through a cloud wormhole type thing, and why would TC be picking up an communication", Dionte asks.

"Maybe they were trying to send a message", Erica says.

"Maybe there's a button up there to open up the rock", Khalil says.

"It's worth a shot", Anissa says tapping the rock to find a button.

Nothing happens. 

"Maybe you just have to break the rock open", Khalil says.

"I'll get the tools", Grace says turning around.

"Don't bother", Anissa says picking up the rock and squeezing it.

It shatters and a flash drive drops out. The group stares at it for a minute. 

"Well is somebody gonna plug it in the monitor so we can see what's on it", Jenn asks.

Anissa cuts and eye at Jenn, then hands the flash drive to TC. TC walks over and plugs into the monitor then stands back. The team gathers around the monitor. After a few seconds a video pops up with Jenn on the monitor.

"Woah Jenn, is that you?", Anissa asks.

They continue watching the monitor.

On the Monitor:

"Hello Outsiders, I'm speaking to you with the help of a friend. If you're getting this message it means the world is ending and you didn't succeed in your mission to save it. I'm sending this on my last breath from the future. In about 3 weeks there's going to be an apocalypse, The Armageddon. With the help of a few visitors we try to stop the Armageddon from destroying Freeland and The World, but since we weren't prepared we failed, and I'm the last meta standing. You need to find these visitors and convince them to help you, sooner than later, they're called the.......".

The Flash Drive goes off. The team stares in silence.

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