Chapter 15: Breakups and Breakdowns

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Jenn paces back and forth in the room. Brandon walks in.

"Are you okay?", Brandon ask.

"No, can you believe they didn't have the decency to tell me that Khalil was in Akashic Valley", Jenn yells.

"I mean, why does it matter Jenn?", Brandon asks.

"It matters because I thought Khalil was dead, they said he had went to Gotham but when my dad contacted the person he knew in Gotham, Kahlil was no where to be found, it wasn't until Khalil was finally spotted in Gotham that we were able to go get him and bring him home", Jenn says.

"Okay, so you're mad that Anissa and Grace knew he was in Akashic Valley because what, it slowed down your rescue plan?", Brandon asks.

"No I'm mad because I thought Khalil was dead, and I just moved on in my life, when someone who I care about and who cares about me was out there hurting", Jenn says.

"Jenn are you saying you couldn't move on from Khalil knowing he was alive", Brandon asks.

"I mean he saved my life, I had to help him, and before I could move on in my life and start anything new, I had to finish things up with Khalil", Jenn replies.

"Finish things up?", Brandon says confused, "What does that even mean?".

"Oh my god, I feel like I'm talking in circles right now", Jenn says.

"No what you're doing is deflecting the question", Brandon snaps back.

"What do you want me to say?", Jenn asks.

"Are you with me because you thought Khalil was dead and that was your closure, or are you with me because you wanted to be with me", Brandon says.

"Where is this coming from?", Jenn asks, "Being with you has nothing to do with Khalil".

"It actually has a lot to do with Khalil, Every time I would even check for you, you would say you weren't ready to start dating, but as soon as Khalil goes missing, you ready to be in a relationship", Brandon states.

"That had nothing to do with Khalil, and everything to do with me", Jenn says.

"Then please let me know, why it was so important to know where Khalil was, do you still have feeling for him?, Brandon asks.

"Maybe, I don't know, No", Jenn says.

"Jenn!", Brandon says sternly.

"Okay Fine, yes ", Jenn yells, "I might still have feelings for Khalil but that doesn't change the way I feel about you".

"It actually changes a lot, and I can't be with you right now if you're still feeling someone else, so I'm gonna give you a minute to figure it out, until then, I think it's best I sleep on the couch", Brandon replies.

"Brandon don't do this!", Jenn says.

Brandon brushes her off. A few minutes later TC walks in.

"You good Jenn?", TC asks.

"You know TC, I'm really not in the mood to go back and forth with anybody else, and I can't take someone lying in my face or withholding information right now, so if you could just leave me alone, that would be best", Jenn says.

"Okay, I have to respect your wishes, but I also want to say, I tried to tell you that night on the patio when your dad handed down the mantle, but you brushed it off, and I didn't think to bring it back up because everyone was safe and things were back to normal, so don't be mad at Anissa and Grace they just wanted to see you happy", TC says before walking out the door and back to the sanctum.

In the Sanctum, Everyone has been debriefed.

"Ok so back to Maya Odell", Anissa says.

"Right", Grace says turning to Khalil, "Is there any reason Maya Odell might be trying to hurt the team.

"She might not be trying to hurt the team, she could just be trying to get to Khalil", Nightwing says.

"I mean Khalil did shoot her father in his spleen, if I wasn't a good person I would definitely want to avenge my Father", Starfire says.

"Ok, then I'll rephrase my question, how would Maya Odell be trying to harm us?", Grace asks.

"I don't know, but I did find an Address to a Safehouse said to be owned by Maya Odell and her father", Perenna says.

"Do you think she's there?", Wondergirl asks.

"I'm not sure, maybe we should pay her a visit and see if she planning something", Dionté says.

"And what do you suppose we say, oh Hi Maya I need to know if you're planning on killing Painkiller and The Outsiders", Blackfire says.

"Yeah we have to think smart", Erica says.

"Maybe we can infiltrate her safe house, you know stealth mode type", Beastboy says.

"Or you can just go to the Black and White Bash that's she having tonight", TC says.

Pulling up a Flyer on the monitor.

"That works too!", Grace says.

"Ok Team everyone into your best outfits we have a party to crash", Anissa says.

Everyone leaves the Sanctum to go get dressed. About an hour later, everyone is in their best dressed outfits about head out to the party.

Brandon is in the bathroom struggling to put on his cuff link. Jenn walks in and holds out her hand. Brandon hesitates then let's Jenn fix his cuff link.

"Brandon, I'm sorry okay, it was wrong for me to lead you on like I did, but I am in love with you, I don't want to be with anybody but you", Jenn says.

"But you still love him", Brandon says.

Jenn doesn't say anything.

"I don't ask you to forgive me, but I do ask you to understand", Jenn states.

"Understand what?", Brandon says.

"Understand that my feeling for Khalil changes nothing, I mean Khalil was my first love, and I know he said I should move on a be with him but....", Jenn starts.

"You needed his permission to start dating me", Brandon asks.

"No it's not like that...", Jenn starts.

"Maybe we should take a break....", Brandon says.

"Brandon please don't make this the end, I don't want to lose you", Jenn says.

"I'm not saying that this is over but I am saying, maybe we should be apart for awhile", Brandon says. "This is just a time for me to figure out where I want to go with this relationship, and give you a chance to tie up your loose ends",

Jenn finishes helping him with his cuff link.

"Thats fair", Jenn says.

Suddenly Anissa comes to the door.

"Alright love birds, 10 minutes until Party Time, hurry up", Anissa jokes.

Brandon walks past her not saying anything. She quickly looks at Jenn.

"Is everything okay?", Anissa asks.

Jenn nods, Anissa walks away from the bathroom and Jenn sheds a tear.

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