Chapter 18: Playing Dumb

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"Ok, so what's the plan?", Khalil asks.

"Let's see", Beastboy says thinking, "Maya wants Painkiller, why don't we just give her painkiller".

"What no that's crazy", Blackfire says.

"No it's not, if I morph into Khalil, we can take me in there, get everybody out and once everyone is out I'll morph back into myself, she'll realize im not him and send me packing", Beastboy says.

"No, that's too risky", Khalil says, "Maya is out for blood, she'll kill your just for fun if it means it will hurt me".

"Then what do you suggest we do?", Beastboy asks.

"WEEE can pretend to be Painkiller", Blackfire says.

"Did I not just say that?", Beastboy asks.

"Yeah, I'm not sending you in there either", Khalil says.

"Not just me, all of us", Blackfire says.

"All of us?", Khalil asks.

"Yeah, we each get Cyber Cloaks and Pretend to be Painkiller, if there's more than one, she won't be able to pick the real Painkiller", Blackfire says.

"Which will force her to either release us or give us a chance to fight our way out", Beastboy says.

"Exactly!", Blackfire says.

"Ok, now that's a plan, but we need to get back to the sanctum and grab some because unless you two are stealing from us, we don't have any cyber cloaks on us", Khalil says.

Khalil cranks the car up and heads back to the Sanctum.

Back inside Maya paces the floor angry.

"Ok I got everybody to leave, now speak up and tell me what I want to know, who and where is Painkiller?", Maya yells.

"As I've said before, I don't know what you are talking about", Anissa says.

Maya grabs a vase near her and throws it at the wall.

"You know what fine", Maya says, "I'm the worlds greatest interrogator, if I can't break you all together, I'll do it separately and trust me, one of you will break".

"Don't count on it", Anissa says.

Maya snaps her fingers twice.

"Julius, go prepare my interrogation room, and I'll start with you", Maya says eyeing Anissa.

Anissa takes a deep breath as Maya follows Julius.

Once Maya is out of sight, Anissa turns to the group.

"Alright gather around", Anissa whispers.

They all walk up to Anissa.

"In this interrogation, I want you to play dumb, and when I say dumb, I mean act like you don't even know your name", Anissa says.

"Well the Titans have reverse interrogation training", Nightwing says.

"What's that?", Jenn asks.

"It's when you ask us a question and we try to not only confuse you but bring the question back to you", Starfire says.

"I'm not following!" Jenn says.

"Ok so ask Wondergirl a question", Nightwing says.

"Uh ok, Who is Painkiller?", Jenn asks.

"I know a lot of Painkillers, there's some called Aspirins, Tylenol, Aleves, Advils, you name it, but me personally, I don't like Painkillers, when I was child my mom told me the only way to get over pain is to go through it, so from that day forward.....", Wondergirl starts.

"Whoa, that is too much information, I don't even remember what I asked you", Jenn says.

"Exactly, I gave you so much information that you couldn't process what was going on fast enough", Wondergirl says.

"Well then what if she lets you finish", TC asks.

"Then I would finish off by saying, so what Painkillers are you looking for, that way we bring her  back to the question at hand but now she's the one answering the question", Wondergirl says.

"That is cool", Brandon says.

"Well the Outsiders don't have that training so we're just gonna play dumb", Grace says.

"So how dumb should we be, because I can just act like 2 years old, like I'll start babbling and everything", Dionté says.

"You know I think you'll be fine just being yourself", Erica says sarcastically.

Everyone tries not laugh.

Suddenly there are footsteps heading back. Maya turns the corner and points for the guard to get Anissa. He quickly walks up and grabs her arm.

"Hey, don't grab me like that", Anissa says.

Grace steps forward and snarls. Erica and TC grab her holding her back before she does something.

The guard takes Anissa to the room at the end of the hall. Anissa sits on one side of the table and Maya sits on the other side. They stare at each other for a minute.

"So are you gonna interrogate me?", Anissa asks.

"What's the rush?", Maya asks.

"Well it's kinda hot in here and I just got my hair done, I can't sweat this out", Anissa says, "And from the looks of it, you just got yours done too, and may I just say, it looks amazing, who does it?.

Maya laughs.

"You know flattery gets you no where with me, I'm not gonna be your friend", Maya asks.

"Oh that's great because I wasn't looking for one, frankly I don't really like you, I was just admiring your hair, I mean your edges are laid", Anissa says.

"Well yours needs work", Maya says snarky.

"That was the whole reason I asked you who does your, but you just won't tell me", Anissa says.

"Because it doesn't matter!", Maya says, "I'm here to ask you where is Painkiller".

"Is that what you take to lay down you edges", Anissa jokes, "You gotta tell me where you get that from".

"YOU KNOW WHAT!", Maya yells, "JUST GET OUT!"

Anissa stands up and the guard takes her back with the others. He then grabs Starfires arms and bring her to the back. She sits down in front of Maya.

"Ok, I'm not gonna waste time, where can I find Painkiller", Maya asks.

"Wow, I don't get a Hello, How Are You, Kiss My Ass, just getting straight to the point", Starfire says, "I like it!".

"Look I'm not about to play these games with you", Maya says.

"Oh so we're playing games now because I don't really like interrogation, my favorite games include, Monopoly, Life, Strikes and Ladders, Connect 4, Uno, Trouble, Operation, Hungry Hungry Hippo, Mario Kart...", Starfire says.

"Not board games, stupidity games", Maya says.

"Oh I'm not stupid because Stupid means having or showing a great lack of intelligence or common sense, and I'm extremely intelligent, but that common sense it's what gets me because I sometimes have these blonde moments which is ironic because my hair is red, and speaking of red hair did you know that Ariel is the only Disney Princess with red hair, besides Meridith, but does she really count", Starfire says.

"Enough!", Maya yells.

Starfire doesn't say anything. Instead the guard grabs her arm and returns her with the others, Maya follows behind them. The team gets up and walks up to Maya.

"Listen up freaks, if one more person comes in here and plays games with me, I'm shooting you down, no questions asked", Maya says before walking back to the interrogation room.

Everyone exchanges nervous looks.

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